Ed Kirwan portrait

Written by Ed Kirwan

Ed Kirwan is the Founder and CEO of Empathy Studios, an organisation using film to develop empathy, a vital human skill. A former science teacher and Head of Chemistry, Ed transitioned into filmmaking in 2018, launching The Empathy Programme in 2020. Ed also founded Empathy Week, the world’s largest empathy festival, reaching over 1.3 million students in 50 countries.

As an educator, you’re often faced with student situations you can’t anticipate. Those situations are almost always personal, nuanced and highly-specific to that individual. They require a human response. They require empathy.

Empathy is the skill to understand another and the ability to create space for someone to reveal their authentic self, whilst reserving judgement.

Empathy is no longer merely a nice-to-have; it’s essential and has been listed as one of the most vital skills for the 21st century. Is vital for conflict resolution, it helps increase creativity) and can even reduce cyberbullying. Empathy can be passed from generation to generation View here and so teaching it has far-reaching benefits beyond the immediate impact.

Neighbourhood diversity has doubled on average in the UK since 2001 and, in some towns, it has increased ten fold. This should be a wonderful opportunity of celebration and learning, yet we know from the UK riots this summer that cohesion and community isn’t a given. It also doesn’t come about from simply teaching students to ‘be kind’ and ‘be tolerant’. Empathy sits at the foundation of the human skills that enable inclusion, communication and adaptability that are crucial in our globalised world.

Since 2020, my team and I have been helping educators give their students the tools needed to develop empathy – and we continuously research the impact, in partnership with Cambridge University . In these last five years we’ve learnt a lot. Our Empathy Programme has engaged 175,000 students and our annual festival, Empathy Week, has reached over 1.3 million students in 50+ countries. But for me, it all started in the classroom.

At the age of 22, I began teaching science in North London at a co-ed state school – something I deeply loved. It taught me a lot about privilege, society and the importance of empathy. It also taught me that humans are complex social and emotional beings. 

Much of my motivation comes from having taught the infamous (self-named) “U-gang” – a group of 24 boys who all received ‘U’ grades in their christmas mock exams.

They had a lot of anger and lacked motivation. In their eyes, they were already destined to be a failure. They hadn’t yet learnt how to communicate their needs effectively, or they were misunderstood – in all honesty I think it was both things at once. As I got to know them I realised they were, quite simply, scared young men. 

Teaching that group was one of the most rewarding experiences in my teaching career. None of the “U-gang” ended up with a U grade, despite one of my students missing his Chemistry exam because he was in a police cell. They all passed. 

Looking back now it’s not because I was the best science teacher, but because I took a genuine interest in them as individuals. Who did they live with at home? What hobbies did they have? What did they aspire to be? What made them tick?

I took as many steps as possible to understand and develop a healthy rapport with the class, including delivering science classes on the basketball court and shifting our practical lessons to be less daunting. I was using empathy, I just didn’t have language for what I was doing yet.

Empathy underpins everything needed to make a child feel seen, heard and understood. Everything that’s needed to make someone feel safe and like they belong and that’s what we’re all really after isn’t it? To belong?

Empathy is not a value or a trait. It is a skill which can be actioned and, crucially, taught. Our pilot research with Cambridge University explores the impact of our term long programme to develop empathy skills in 5-18 year olds. Teachers report a measurable impact to empathy levels – and excitingly they also report improvements to behaviour and increased global citizenship after completing the programme.

Crucially there are three drivers of success  that manage to build empathy successfully:

1) Engage and entertain students – A lot of education content can be boring and only serves to transfer information rather than ignite genuine conversation and learning. Our programme and films are a trojan horse for empathy building. They excite students from the very start and in turn lead to conversations and connection.

2) Increase the amount & diversity of experiences of students – We can’t all fly around the world, but we can allow students to experience real life stories through film. From Lipa who talks about the right to wear a Hijab in sport to a Mexican paralympian who is now giving back,, students can gain insight into themes such as culture & identity, disability, bereavement, sustainability & mental health. 

3) Skills building can’t be a one-off – Empathy is a muscle and the best results come with sustained and long-term intervention. It’s the schools that build empathy into a golden thread of their school that are seeing the benefits.

As educators and teachers, we need more support to help equip young people with the human skills they need.  As the world becomes ever more connected and AI transforms the way we live and work together, it is our human relationships, adaptability and resilience that will allow us to thrive – and empathy is the one human skill at the foundation of this.