The Equality Academy
The Equality Academy is committed to supporting conscious leadership in a diverse world through training, facilitation, coaching and consultancy. Our aim is to help you and your business to succeed congruently, by ‘walking your talk’ and living your core values.
We see ED&I as sitting at the heart of the identity and health of any human-led system – diversity is essential to the health and sustainability of all living systems, and human-led systems are no different. Structural inequality, exclusion and the resulting homogeneity in systems are signs and propagators of sickness in an organisational system and need to be addressed as a matter of priority – alongside other priorities such as a good flow of resources and a healthful exchange between the system and its environment.
As a system, the EA seeks itself to work toward health and sustainability in our organisational practices, to ‘walk our talk’. This includes our professional relationships and the way we weave our lived experiences of racism, migration, sexism, Islamophobia, heterosexism, transphobia, class and disability skilfully into our work with the aim of co-creating with you a seamless, congruent fabric of reflective inner and & outer practice suited to your values, mission, purpose and organisational culture.
We are recognised by ILM as a registered provider to deliver our core ED&I for managers, Inclusive Leadership and mentoring programmes.
As an internationally recognised management training qualification ILM offers a wide range of benefits to participants. Our programmes are delivered to the highest standards, with learning focused on real organisational application and improvement.