Roots with Boots
Valérie Besanceney, founder of Roots with Boots, is specialized in the impact of a globally mobile lifestyle on a child’s sense of identity and learning experience. She grew up as a global nomad, holds an M.Ed. in curriculum and instruction, and has taught at six international schools on four different continents. As the author of two children’s books on moving, she offers children a story to identify with and the language and tools to successfully understand their own ‘moving’ story. She is a current board member of Families in Global Transition (FIGT) and the COO of Safe Passage Across Networks (SPAN), two leading organizations that address transitions for families and educators. She also supplies content for online training modules for international schools and has presented many times on the topic of Cross Cultural Childhoods and Transition to staff, parents, and children.
Author of B at Home: Emma Moves Again and My Moving Booklet