The Feminist Shop

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The Feminist Shop

The Feminist Shop is an online info hub and an ethical feminist brand. The site host and curates feminist resources and informational content and provide a forum for feminist discussion. It targets the UK and international feminist market for the sale of books but also ethically produced and environmentally friendly apparel and gifts with slogans and the Feminist Shop brand and messaging. Our products are “statement makers and conversation starters”

The business is based on strong ethical values in line with the feminist cause and creates a recognisable brand that unites like-minded people. Products are sourced ethically and (once we are profitable!) 50% of all profits will be donated to our feminist partners. At the moment we still donate a % of the sales, showcase them to our audience and invite people to amplify them or volunteer.

Virginia Mendez, the founder, was recognised as one of the 130 Women breaking the bias of 2022 by Diverse In Globaland, Top 100 UK #iAlso f:Entrepreneur 2020 and she is nominated for best speaker 2023 with Women’s Business Club.

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The Female Lead

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The Female Lead

The Female Lead is an educational charity dedicated to finding the factors that limit women’s choices, fulfilment, and success. By listening to women through their stories, and understanding them through research and data, we aim to influence schools, business, and government in order to drive real change.

Founded by data entrepreneur Edwina Dunn OBE, the project highlights the breadth of female achievement in order to offer inspiration for future generations.

We offer a variety of spaces to present these stories including a book of 60 amazing women, donated to 18,000 schools in the UK and USA. We also have videos, a podcast, an engaged online and social presence and an outreach programme in schools, celebrating female role models who shape the world.

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Stonewall was founded in 1989 in response to Section 28, which was overturned in England and Wales in 2003, the same year that Stonewall became a registered charity.

Stonewall works with thousands of schools, colleges and settings to tackle homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying and to create LGBT inclusive spaces, so that all children and young people can thrive. This is through membership programmes, awards, training for staff and best practice resources and research.


Shut Out: the experiences of LGBT young people not in education, training or work (2020)

Stonewall School Report (2017)


Best practice toolkits and resources for LGBT inclusion in schools, colleges and settings

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Social Change Academy

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Social Change Academy

Social Change Academy is a social enterprise founded in 2020 and exists to provide accessible, inclusive education to changemakers passionate about making a positive difference in the world.

Learning with us means releasing your inner radical who refuses to accept the status quo. It means learning with others to translate your passion into impact, developing a livelihood from delivering products or services which enhance the lives of others and promoting a more just and inclusive society. We want to help people believe that regardless of where they started out in life or what their past experiences have been, they can make a difference.

We help them develop and apply the skills, capabilities and connections to realise their social ambitions. We offer a range of learning pathways to support you on your social enterprise journey whether you are just starting out or looking to further develop and scale your impact. If you want your life story to mean something.

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Sexpression UK

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Sexpression:UK is a near-peer independent UK charity with the goal of empowering young people to make decisions about relationships and sex by running informal and comprehensive RSHE in the community. Their vision is for a society in which young people are able to access reliable information; where youth are free from STIs and unwanted pregnancy; and where they are empowered to make individual, informed decisions regarding their bodies and their health. Since we are an entirely volunteer run and led organisation, schools will not be charged a fee for our services. If you would like to support us, you can make a donation.

Since forming in 2000, Sexpression members from over 25 university branches have been delivering teaching to 11-18-year olds in schools and community groups providing informative, open and engaging relationships, sex and health education. Their lessons explore 6 core themes; bodily changes, sex and the media, contraception and sexually transmitted infections, sexual orientation and gender identity, healthy relationships and abuse and sex and consent.

Sexpression:UK, can help your school meet the requirements of the new National RSHE curriculum. Their resources are tailor-made to each school and your lesson requirements, accessible to all students and LGBT+ inclusive. Their curriculum is in line with the Department of Education statutory guidance.

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School of Sexuality Education

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School of Sexuality Education

School of Sexuality Education is a charity that provides comprehensive Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) programmes for young people around the country. The programmes include sexual violence, consent and sexting, sexual health, porn, and relationships. They work with schools, colleges, universities and provide staff training. School of Sexuality Education’s RSE programmes are informed by an expert team of qualified teachers, doctors, academics working in gender, education and social justice, and young people themselves. Their aim is to improve people’s physical health and emotional wellbeing, and give them the critical tools to develop or defend a more equal society. School of Sexuality Education’s content is evidence-based and responds to the statutory guidance on RSE.

Winner of the Pamela Sheridan Award for Innovation and Good Practice in RSE

School of Sexuality Education has written a book, Sex Ed: An Inclusive Teenage Guide to Sex and Relationships to young people, teachers and caregivers.

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Schools Out UK

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Schools Out UK

The overall aim of Schools OUT UK (Registered Charity No. 1156352) is to promote equality and diversity for the benefit of the public.

We do this by:

  • Increasing the visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (“LGBT+”) people, in all their diversity, their history, lives and their experiences in the curriculum and culture of educational and other institutions, and the wider community.
  • Raising awareness and advancing education on matters affecting the diverse LGBT+ community.
  • Working to make educational and other institutions safe spaces for all LGBT+ communities.
  • Promoting the welfare of LGBT+ people, in all their diversity by ensuring that the education system recognises and enables LGBT+ people to achieve their full potential, so they contribute fully to society and lead fulfilled lives, thus benefiting society as a whole.
  • Providing free, comprehensive and detailed resources to develop and support the above ideas across the whole spectrum of the education, museum and library sectors and beyond. We do this across several websites:,,,

We have been in existence since 1974. Chair Sue Sanders is an Emeritus Professor of the Harvey Milk Institute, and won the 2019 Rainbow Honours Lifetime Achievement Award. Tony Fenwick our late CEO accepted an MBE on behalf of the organisation. We have been nominated twice in the ‘Best Community Group’ category at the Pink News Awards, and committee member Kate Hutchinson was voted Number 19 of the 40 most influential LGBT+ people  in Wales in 2020.

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Progressive Education

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Progressive Education

Founded in 2019, Progressive Education works to create a world where education has the best interests of the child at heart.

We explore why we need progressive alternatives to traditional methods in education, provides information on what the alternative approaches are and outlines how the education system could be reimagined.

Our directory of education providers lists progressive schools and learning communities in the UK aimed at school-aged children (4-18 years). We have included providers who aim to put the child at the centre of their approach: Montessori, Reggio Emilia, Democratic/Self-Directed Education, Forest School and Waldorf Steiner.

If you are seeking employment within the progressive education sector, our jobs directory lists posts for facilitators/teachers, support staff and campaign/policy work.

If you work in a mainstream school or your child attends a state primary or secondary, you can visit our School Support page for ideas to enhance the student experience. We also support campaigns to bring about positive changes within the state education system, list events about progressive education, and we are building a library of articles and research.

Have a look through our Voices from the Sector pages to hear why progressive education is so important for the 21st century. You can hear perspectives from parents, teachers, progressive education providers, state school innovators, psychologists and researchers.

We hope this resource will help parents/carers, teachers, policy makers and other professionals to make informed choices about education.

We have a very active growing Facebook group with over 3000 members. “Progressive Education Group” is a supportive, friendly, international network for anyone interested in progressive methods in education. Please join us!

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Phoenix Education

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Phoenix Education

Phoenix Education is a charity, with an overarching aim to work towards creating an education system that has a collaborative and consensual rather than authoritarian culture, where students and teachers have voices, autonomy and agency to influence their experiences of learning and their experience of the system.

We currently do this through our projects Freedom to Learn – networking and supporting innovators in and outside of the system who are committed to rights respecting, human-centred, socially just culture and practice in education, and Changemakers’ Lab which is working with people aged 14-18 on exploring and campaigning for the changes that they need to see to school and the education system, so that it better respects their rights and meets their needs.

We are currently developing ways to work directly with specific school leaders who want to explore opportunities and methods to integrate consent-based, self-directed and rights based approaches.

We have an annual event called the Freedom To Learn Forum, where we like to bring together all of the different aspects of our work and movement in an open space inspired unconference format to network, connect, have fun and share knowledge.

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No Outsiders

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No Outsiders

No Outsiders enables children to recognise and embrace the diversity around them in preparation for global citizenship. The ethos teaches that ‘there are no outsiders here because everyone is welcome’. The resource uses the Equality Act 2010 as a foundation to ensure no protected
characteristic is left out.

42 picture books are used in the scheme with lesson plans from EYFS- Y6 to ensure consistency and progression. Assemblies are used to reinforce the ethos and plans are uploaded weekly to the no-outsiders website.

Andrew Moffat currently works as Personal Development Lead at Excelsior MAT, Birmingham.


Published resources:
No Outsiders in our school: Teaching the Equality Act in primary schools (Speechmark, 2015)
Reclaiming Radical Ideas in Schools: Preparing young children for life in modern Britain (Speechmark, 2017)
No Outsiders: Everyone different, Everyone welcome (Speechmark, 2020)

MBE, 2017 (Education for Equality and Diversity)
Top 10 finalist in Varkey Foundation Global Teacher Prize, 2019
Pink News ‘Role Model of the year’, 2019
Attitude Pride Awards, 2019
European Diversity Awards ‘Hero of the year’, 2019
Honorary Doctorate, University of Worcester, 2019
Midlands Zone Readers’ Award ‘LGBTQ Hero of the year’, 2020
Midlands Zone Award ‘Outstanding Contribution to The LGBTQ Community’ 2020
University of Sunderland Visiting Professor, 2020
Pride Power List 2020

Andrew Moffat is a qualified Senco and has a MA in Emotional and behavioural Difficulties (University of Birmingham). He is currently studying part time for a PhD in Citizenship teaching (University of Birmingham).

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