
Governor Hub Logo


GovernorHub’s mission is to support great governance. We help more than 100,000 governors and trustees in 69% of schools in England to make a difference.
Our guidance service, GovernorHub Knowledge, empowers governance professionals, chairs, governors and trustees with the knowledge to act. Membership will:

  • Help new governors and trustees to hit the ground running, with an on-demand online induction that splits the basics of governance into manageable chunks
  • Guide your board on how to support your school or trust effectively
  • Keep your board up to date with the latest sector news and actionable next steps

Visit our news site The Hoot, where we often publish blogs from sector voices focused on diversity and inclusion.

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Amazing People Schools

Amazing People Logo

Amazing People Schools

Who we are:
  • Amazing People Schools is an online learning platform that bring to life the incredible stories of diverse game changers from history – ordinary people who used their character strengths to help them achieve extraordinary things.
  • Character strengths such as empathy, perseverance and gratitude greatly improve the odds that our young people will flourish, regardless of the challenges.
What we do
  • Harriet Tubman knew all about resilience. Einstein used wildly creative ideas in his scientific work. Students discover the stories of amazing people from across the world and throughout history - and are supported to explore the character strengths that helped them survive, thrive and achieve.
  • The site is developed around an interactive story library featuring video, quizzes, an avatar builder and much more. Amazing People Schools is the brainchild of psychologist Dr Charles Margerison. The unique first-person perspective stories at the core of Amazing People Schools are based on over 20 years of research into not just what these Amazing People did, but how and why they did it.
  • Our award-winning, classroom-ready resources include form-time lessons, assemblies, PSHE lessons and wellbeing workouts. Global Black Lives and LGBT+ resources are also available to highlight these lives and discuss character in this context.
  • Character strengths also play a vital role in student wellbeing, social emotional learning and positive personal development.  And they’ve never been more important. Amazing People Schools supports young people to harness these innate character strengths, believe in themselves, and flourish.
FREE access
  • All schools are encouraged to explore the site for free to see if our stories and resources can help deliver a diverse character education and wellbeing programme.
  • Winner of the Teach Secondary 2020 award for Wellbeing and Health
  • Internationally recognised Company of Character kitemark

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Inclusive Allyship Toolkit

Inclusive Allyship icon

Inclusive Allyship Toolkit

Inclusive Allyship Toolkit

Toolkit collated by Hannah Wilson with Adrian McLean

The Importance of Language

At Diverse Educators we use the umbrella term Inclusive Allyship. As Educators, we feel that this is most representative of what we do in our sector. However if this term does not resonate with you and you would like to consider alternatives, here are some options and definitions to explore:

Allyship is about recognising your privilege, and then using it by standing in solidarity with marginalised groups to challenge the status quo. It involves working through discomfort, listening, and learning from mistakes.

In the context of race and social justice work, an accomplice is someone who assists others in creating a space of inclusion, equity, and safety for all, often at the risk of their own social and/or professional standing and physical well-being.

A coalition is when people agree to work together, in partnership to achieve a common goal. Coalition builders in the inclusion context believe that allyship offers charity whereas coalition is more about solidarity and identifying those shared points of interest.

What Is an Inclusive Ally?

An ally is any person that actively promotes and aspires to advance the culture of inclusion through intentional, positive and conscious efforts that benefit people as a whole. An ally advocates and champions for marginalised colleagues in the workplace.

Inclusive Allies are committed to:
  • attracting and hiring a diverse workforce
  • cultivating an environment where all colleagues have a sense of belonging
  • creating a culture where all colleagues feel welcome, respected, and supported
  • amplifying and advocating for others
  • giving effective and equitable performance feedback
  • using more inclusive language
  • running inclusive conferences and events

The Diverse Educators’ Inclusive Allyship Toolkit

We are collating a growing bank of resources to support you in:

  • how you show up
  • how you stand up
  • how you speak out

To become an active upstander, instead of a passive bystander on social justice issues.




Harvard Business Review






Resource Solutions





Ben Hobbis


Hannah Wilson


Muna Abdi


Patrick Ottley O’Connor


Professor Rachel Lofthouse


Yamina Bibi



Amber Cabral – Allies and Advocates: Creating an Inclusive and Equitable Culture


Hira Ali – Her Allies


Karen Catlin – Better Allies: Everyday Actions to Create Inclusive, Engaging


Shakirah Bourne and Dana Alison Levy – Allies: Real Talk


Sophie Williams – Anti-Racist Ally


Tinna C.Nielsen – Inclusion Nudges for Motivating Allies



Be a Better Ally


Change Catalyst


Latham and Watkins


Leyla Okhai - Racism and Genuine Allyship


Pride & Progress


The Power of Privilege and Allyship Podcast





BAMEed Network


BAMEed Network PDF


Better Allies


Change Catalyst




Everyday Feminism




The Guide to Allyship


Harvard Business Review


Imperial University – How to be an LGBT Ally


RSA – How to be an Active Ally



LeanIn - Allyship at Work

View on LeanIn

Melinda Epler

View on TED

Nita Mosby Tyler

View on TED

Patrick Ottley-O'Connor

View on YouTube

Rayna Gordon

View on TED

Yamina Bibi

View on YouTube

The Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals icon

The Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals

We are in the decade of action to work towards achieving the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as outlined by the United Nations.

Diverse Educators is committed to doing the work across our network by connecting our training offer, our events programmes and our desired outcomes (as well as our vision, mission, values and strategic vision) with the global goals to transform our world, together.

We believe in a shared vision and a collective responsibility in working towards the SDGs, together.

We believe that through meaningful collaborative partnerships across our network and wider education community, we can have a greater impact in addressing societal issues, together.

We believe that our schools are shaping global citizens and that we are all responsible for the world that we co-create, together.

Whilst we believe there is a part for all of us as educators and schools to play in all 17 SDGs, we align our work specifically to 7 of the SDGs as outlined below through our commitments:

SDG 3: Good health and wellbeing

Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages.

We are committed to wellbeing and ensuring that all educators feel physically and psychologically safe in our schools, so that they can be physically and mentally healthy.

We will create a safe space for diverse educators to come together to support and be supported.

Find Out More
SDG 4: Quality Education

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

We are committed to lifelong learning and raising awareness so that all educators grow in understanding and confidence in creating an inclusive education to address social inequities.

We will create training and coaching opportunities for diverse educators and their allies, to come together to reflect.

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SDG 5: Gender Equality

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

We are committed to empowering woman and girls, whilst engaging HeForShe allies, to address gender equalities in our school system and our wider society.

We will champion female representation at every level of the school system and we will amplify policies and practices that reduce inequalities.

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SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

We are committed to ensuring that every educator thrives in an inclusive educational workplace and has the opportunity to develop their career.

We will work with key stakeholders across the system to influence the diversification of ITTE, Headship and Governance and to increase flexible working opportunities in our schools.

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SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities

Reduce inequalities between and within countries.

We are committed to reducing inequalities by supporting marginalised groups and ensuring that no one is left behind.

We will challenge how the most vulnerable groups are treated and address hate speech directed at them.

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SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

We are committed to holding the system to account to ensure that our schools are inclusive spaces for everyone to be visible and to be celebrated as their authentic selves.

We will stand in solidarity, speaking up on issues affecting diverse educators.

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SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise global partnerships for sustainable development. 

We are committed to collaborating and working together in partnership: cross-phase, cross-sector, across the system and the grassroots spaces.

We will forge collaborative partnerships across the system and create opportunities to network and connect individuals and organisations to align a coherent, cohesive system-wide strategy.

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Bold Voices

Bold Voices logo

Bold Voices

Bold Voices is an award winning social enterprise preparing and empowering school communities to recognise and tackle gender inequality and gender-based violence. In 2022-23 alone we worked with over 32,000 young people, staff and parents in 100 schools across the UK, delivering knowledge about gender inequality, creating spaces for critical thought and discussion, and building the courage to challenge gendered issues.

Our education centres around building a critical, gendered lens on the world and being able to recognise that all forms of gender inequality are connected together, from gender stereotypes and gendered language that can appear harmless at first glance, all the way to experiences of sexual harassment and violence that we know cause harm. An important part of our approach is empowering young people themselves to be at the forefront of culture and attitude change. This is achieved through our Ambassador Programme that has so far supported over 150 young people aged 15-18 to develop the knowledge and skills to run projects creating change around gender inequality within their schools. We also run Mentor Projects within schools that sees us train up a group of 30 16-18 year olds who come and support with delivering workshops to younger year groups.

We deliver workshops, talks and programmes and provide resources and training in schools for young people, staff and parents and carers.

Blue Patch Sustainable Business Award for Social Impact (2021)

BBC Feature

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Fast Forward Diversity Inclusion


#FastForward DiversityInclusion

#FastForward DiversityInclusion

International Women's Day 2021

Episode 1

With Leslee Udwin.

Episode 2

With Dr Mairi Macleod.

Series 1

Episode 1

With Rhodora Palomar-Fresnedi.

Episode 2

With Liz Wright.

Episode 3

with Professor Paul Miller.

Episode 4

With Dr Fran Johnston.

Episode 5

With Sarah Dolman.

Episode 6

With Fajli Bibi.

Episode 7

With Sabrina Jones and Josh Olasehinde.

Episode 8

With Dion Johnson.

Episode 9

With Shaun Dellenty.

Episode 10

with Ray Vincent.

Episode 11

With Andrew Moffat.

Episode 12

With Hansah Hussain and Iqra Iqbal.

Diverse Governance

Governance Icon

#Diverse Governance

#Diverse Governance

Session 1 – 19/11/20

With guests Dolapo Ogunbawo, Steve Edmonds, Jeannie Hume and Linda Unternahrer.

Session 2 – 3/12/20

With guests Adrian McLean, Emma Gregory, Ninna Makrinov, Mark Taylor and Raj Unsworth.

Session 3 – 14/01/21

With guests Maureen Chiana, Prince Caesar and Sharon Warmington.

Session 4 – 04/02/21

With guests Irfan Latif, Lavinya Stennett, Magdalene Adenaike and Siraj Mayet.

Session 5 – 25/02/21

With guests Jordan Holder, Josie Veghese, Alex Kumar, Cheryl Connelly and Karris Graham-Moore.

Session 6 – 27/02/21

With guests Sandeep Kaur, Sarah Amissah, Connor Acton and Karen Giles.

DiverseEd Book Events Archive

DiverseEd Books Icon

#DiverseEd Book Events Archive

#DiverseEd Book Events Archive

World Book Day

Our Leading DEIB in Schools Programme

DEIB Leaders Icon

Our Leading DEIB in Schools Programme

Our Leading DEIB in Schools Programme

As facilitators we have been careful to construct a programme that recognises the ongoing nature of this work. Our delivery is sensitive to the fact that not every school is where they want to be and so with a non-judgemental and practical approach the programme will support each school that we work with to set out their current roadblocks and plan a sustainable route map.

We believe that supporting and challenging individuals in their beliefs around Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) matters, as well as ensuring cultural commitment to the work at a strategic level, are the best means of securing safe and inclusive schools for the whole community.

This programme is to support schools who want to develop their DEI efforts and who are ready to nominate, develop and remunerate a DEI leader. The programme consists of 10 sessions, delivered virtually, with intersessional tasks to complete:

  • Introduction Session
  • Session 1: Context: Making the political case - Human Rights / Case Law
  • Session 2: Context: Making the political personal - The Social Justice Case
  • Intersessional work – Audit the staff culture
  • Session 3: Exploring: Staff feelings about DEI culture (reflecting on the audits)
  • Session 4: Developing: Training and Support for staff – The Plan
  • Session 5: Exploring: Why diversify the curriculum?
  • Intersessional work – Audit the curriculum
  • Session 6: Developing: Diversifying the curriculum - The Plan
  • Session 7: Exploring: How do our policies and procedures, vision and values support our ambitions for DEI in our schools?
  • Session 8: Embedding: Drawing together the plan, identifying the strategic leadership of the plan
  • Celebration Session

We run open cohorts where you can book a place or places for colleagues to network with other DEI leaders, or we can create a bespoke set of dates for a closed cohort where a cluster, a trust, a locality or a teaching school alliance buys 20 places.

Book Now

This course has helped to empower DEI conversations both personal and professional. It offers practical ways of promoting DEI in a school context and understands the challenges and pressures that may be faced.

Ana-Maria Fernandez, Head of Year

This programme has facilitated personal and organisation-wide growth and learning. It has been instrumental in supporting our ambitions around DEI and, as a result, is increasing diversity and inclusion MAT-wide.

Antonia Spinks, Co-CEO

The Protected Characteristics

Protected Characteristics Grid icon

The Protected Characteristics

The Protected Characteristics

We are delighted to be able to showcase and amplify the work of organisations and individuals who are committed to developing diversity, equity and inclusion within and throughout the education system.

If you are looking for an organisation or training provider to work with your pupils/ students, teaching/ support staff, leadership team, governors or parents/ carers then this is an overview of organisations working to raise awareness, increase consciousness and educate school stakeholders broken down by each of the Protected Characteristics as outlined by the Equality Act:

Age icon


Disability Icon


Gender Reassignment Icon

Gender Reassignment

Marriage and Civil Partnership Icon

Marriage & Civil Partnership

Pregnancy and Maternity Icon

Pregnancy & Maternity

Race Icon


Religion and Belief Icon

Religion & Belief

Sex Icon



Sexual Orientation

Intersectionality Toolkit Icon



Please bear in mind that we cannot take responsibility for the services that they offer, but we can recommend them as organisations and individuals in our extensive network. Please always ask for testimonials and case studies to show impact to validate who you choose to work with.

If you are an organisation who would like to be listed in Our DEI Directory, then please contact us.

Get in Touch