Roots with Boots

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Roots with Boots

Valérie Besanceney, founder of Roots with Boots, is specialized in the impact of a globally mobile lifestyle on a child’s sense of identity and learning experience. She grew up as a global nomad, holds an M.Ed. in curriculum and instruction, and has taught at six international schools on four different continents. As the author of two children’s books on moving, she offers children a story to identify with and the language and tools to successfully understand their own ‘moving’ story. She is a current board member of Families in Global Transition (FIGT) and the COO of Safe Passage Across Networks (SPAN), two leading organizations that address transitions for families and educators. She also supplies content for online training modules for international schools and has presented many times on the topic of Cross Cultural Childhoods and Transition to staff, parents, and children.

Author of B at Home: Emma Moves Again and My Moving Booklet

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Inclusion Labs

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Inclusion Labs

Inclusion Labs works with schools to empower them to be active and accountable in creating an inclusive community for every pupil.

Our mission is to embed diversity, equity and inclusion into every young person’s educational, cultural and personal development as we believe the impact of which will cultivate awareness and activate investment in eliminating social inequality and injustice wherever they encounter it.

Our schools programme encompasses race, ethnicity, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, identity – everything that creates a diverse world.  We believe inclusion initiatives should include everyone and so we have built a programme that considers the intersectional makeup of a school community.

We have developed a programme with corresponding tools to help your school find out where to focus intentions and how to ensure these become impactful action.  Our three-step process includes an anonymous online school community survey, an evaluation presentation, and a precise action plan connected to our custom framework, all with support and guidance from Inclusion Labs.

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Why: EquALLIES builds on the strength of diversity by empowering individuals to lead self and others, creating happier people, inclusive organisations and communities.

How: we apply our breadth and depth of experience to empowering individuals to work together, we create valuable, practical and sustainable solutions, we flex with you, adapting to support every stage of your unique inclusion journey

What: Inclusive Leadership training, consultancy and Ambassador Programme.

Who: Hannah Cotton, Dr Loreen Chikwira, Richard O’Neill

When: Every day is inclusion day! We imbed the skills, knowledge and experience required to build inclusion into homes, workplaces and communities 24/7.

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BelEve is a girl-focused organisation working with girls between the ages of 8-18 from disadvantaged backgrounds in London.

Our mission: Equipping girls and young women with the skills, support and confidence to find their voice and make informed choices about their future. Our platforms are underpinned by mentoring to ensure support, guidance and enable empowerment. We aim to provide tools that build self-belief, self-love, self- confidence and address emotional, mental and physical well-being as well as developing leadership and other social qualities empowering girls’ to maximize their life and career prospects.

We are always looking for potential Mentors to support us on our BelEve in Her programme.

If you are a young girl who would benefit from having a Mentor, please get in touch as we have a number of successful women waiting to be a Mentor.

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The Equality Academy

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The Equality Academy

The Equality Academy is committed to supporting conscious leadership in a diverse world through training, facilitation, coaching and consultancy. Our aim is to help you and your business to succeed congruently, by ‘walking your talk’ and living your core values.

We see ED&I as sitting at the heart of the identity and health of any human-led system – diversity is essential to the health and sustainability of all living systems, and human-led systems are no different. Structural inequality, exclusion and the resulting homogeneity in systems are signs and propagators of sickness in an organisational system and need to be addressed as a matter of priority – alongside other priorities such as a good flow of resources and a healthful exchange between the system and its environment.

As a system, the EA seeks itself to work toward health and sustainability in our organisational practices, to ‘walk our talk’. This includes our professional relationships and the way we weave our lived experiences of racism, migration, sexism, Islamophobia, heterosexism, transphobia, class and disability skilfully into our work  with the aim of co-creating with you a seamless, congruent fabric of reflective inner and & outer practice suited to your values, mission, purpose and organisational culture.

We are recognised by ILM as a registered provider to deliver our core ED&I for managers, Inclusive Leadership and mentoring programmes.

As an internationally recognised management training qualification ILM offers a wide range of benefits to participants. Our programmes are delivered to the highest standards, with learning focused on real organisational application and improvement.

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Young people are growing up in a society with a major empathy deficit; hate crimes are at their highest level since records began and there are increasing concerns about the negative effects of social media.

EmpathyLab’s vision is to inspire young people to drive an empathy revolution, building a kinder world. We are the first organisation to build children’s empathy, literacy and social activism through a systematic use of high-quality literature. Our strategy builds on new scientific evidence showing that empathy is a learnable skill, and that reading builds real-life empathy skills.

Since our 2015 foundation as a not-for-profit we have established 4 key programmes:

  • An annual Empathy Day in early June (10 June in 2021). See for a summary of what happened this year.
  • A whole-school, year round empathy education programme. We also offer one-off training  opportunities for teachers.
  • An annual Read for Empathy book collection for 4-16 year olds, announced every January.
  • Empathy-focused author events. See to find out more.

We’re one of ten grantees given a NESTA grant for developing social and emotional skills through the ‘Future Ready Fund’ –

The new Curriculum for Wales 2022 features empathy heavily. We are working with three clusters of schools in Swansea, Pembroke Dock and Ceredigion. We build schools’ capacity to teach children empathy skills.

Young people are learning what empathy is and why it’s so important; engaging with empathy boosting literature; learning to name, recognise and share emotions and planning how to put empathy into action.

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Dual Frequency

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Dual Frequency

Dual Frequency amplifies conversations around diversity in education through a range of resources – including magazines, a blog, a podcast and classroom activities. We always work alongside the communities we feature so that they are accurately reflected in the work we do. From posters and lesson plans to the building blocks of a diversified curriculum — our resources will help you bring diversity, equality and inclusion into your school – all for FREE.

Charlotte founded a space to share best practice supporting LGBTQ+ youth in social care and co-authored with CoramBAAF a practice note on assessing and supporting trans foster carers and adopters.

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Alliance for Learning

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The Alliance for Learning

The Alliance for Learning Teaching School is a partnership of primary/secondary schools, colleges, universities and organisations from across the North-West, who share their knowledge/skills to collaborate and innovate to the best possible outcomes for our children, young people and of course our colleagues.

Altrincham Grammar School for Girls is our lead school and we are proud to be leading the way in innovative approaches to S2S support, professional development for teachers, ground-breaking R&D, cutting-edge initial teacher training through our SCITT and improving the quality of mathematical T&L for our children through our Maths Hub.

As a Teaching School, we are deeply committed to inclusion and increasing awareness of the issues around racial and cultural diversity in education.  Our Race & Diversity Hub works hard to organise staff training to address diversity and anti-racism, to build on anti-racist strategies, to ensure more diversity in the teaching profession through our teacher recruitment and to signpost both teachers and students to useful resources/publications. In order to ensure we are learning from the best partners  we work closely with the Centre for Race, Education and Decoloniality (CRED), which is part of the Carnegie School of Education at Leeds Beckett University which was established to undertake research related to race and racism in education.  Our Director of Teaching School and Partnerships, Lisa Fathers is a Professional Associate of CRED.  We are in a Women in Leadership Hub and are also a designated DFE RSHE Train the Trainer Hub with a deep commitment to social justice.

We are a lead teaching school for mental health and have led a number of regional projects. Read more about the impact of our work.

We are partnering with Diverse Educators because very simply we share the same values and commitment to ensuring our profession reflects the wonderfully diverse communities we serve. We are also committed to increasing the amount of diverse leaders progressing to middle leadership, senior leadership and headship and increasing this representation at governance and trust level.

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AGBIS (Association of Governing Bodies of Independent Schools)

The Association of Governing Bodies of Independent Schools (AGBIS) supports and advises governing bodies of schools in the independent sector on all aspects of governance.

The charitable objects of AGBIS are the advancement of education and the promotion of good governance in independent schools.

AGBIS offers a number of services* to their members including:

  • Training seminars for new and experienced Governors, webinars on a variety of topics and free eLearning courses on Safeguarding and for New Governors.
  • An advisory service on all aspects of governing schools via telephone, email and the website.
  • ‘Guidelines for Governors’ (Published March 2019) a manual of good practice.
  • Annual survey of salaries and benefits of heads and bursars.
  • eNewsletters to keep governors informed on current topics of interest and/or concern.
  • On-site and virtual training for governing bodies, leading governors' strategy days and reviews of governance for schools usually over two days.
  • Annual conference and AGM for representatives of member schools.
  • Maintaining a list of potential new governors.
  • Model contracts for teachers, heads and bursars and other standard employment documents and model documentation for governance, including terms of reference for governors' committees.

*Some of the AGBIS services are offered for a fee.


AGBIS is a registered charity (No 1108756) and company (No 0521716) limited by guarantee governed by a Board which meets at least once every school term. Board members are nominated by school governing bodies and serve initially for a three year period. The Board is advised by three committees: Training and Membership, Nominations and Governance and Finance.

The AGBIS Board includes three honorary officers:

Chair: Mark Taylor (Tring School for the Performing Arts)

Deputy Chair: David Taylor (Queen Anne‘s School Caversham)

Treasurer: Sarah Phillips (King Alfred School)

Chief Executive: Richard Harman

Director of Training: Cheryl Connelly

The Grange, 3 Codicote Road, Welwyn, Hertfordshire AL6 9LY. Tel: 01438 840730

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Diverse Educators are working in collaboration with the national organisations responsible for school governance to amplify the conversations around diverse representation of school governance, for Governing Bodies and Trust Boards.

Each organisation is aligned with our #DiverseEd vision,  mission and values to ensure we have diverse representation at every level of the school system.

View Diverse Governance ResourcesView Governors' DEI Toolkit