Gender Equality Toolkit

Gender Equality Toolkit
Gender Equality Toolkit
Toolkit collated by Hannah Wilson with Hana Malik
What Is Gender Equality?
“Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.
There has been progress over the last decades: more girls are going to school, fewer girls are forced into early marriage, more women are serving in parliament and positions of leadership, and laws are being reformed to advance gender equality.
Despite these gains, many challenges remain: discriminatory laws and social norms remain pervasive, women continue to be underrepresented at all levels of political leadership, and 1 in 5 women and girls between the ages of 15 and 49 report experiencing physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner within a 12-month period”. (UN)
Gender Equality is the 5th UN Sustainable Development.
What Is HeForShe Advocacy?
Gender equality and women’s rights are not just women’s issues, they are human rights issues. Women fight for their rights every day everywhere. But to achieve an equal world for all, men should question the power dynamics in their actions and words and take responsibility for change.
The Diverse Educators’ Gender Equality Toolkit
- What is meant by gender?
- What is the difference between gender equity, gender equality and women’s empowerment?
- Why is gender equality important?
- Why should gender equality be a concern for men?
Anti-Racism Toolkit

Anti-Racism Toolkit
Anti-Racism Toolkit
Toolkit collated by Hannah Wilson with Dwain Brandy
What Is Anti-Racism?
Anti-racism encompasses a range of ideas and political actions which are meant to counter racial prejudice, systemic racism and the oppression of specific racial groups.
Anti-racism is usually structured around conscious efforts and deliberate actions which are intended to provide equal opportunities for all people on both an individual and a systemic level.
As a philosophy, it can be engaged in by the acknowledgment of personal privileges, confronting acts as well as systems of racial discrimination, and/or working to change personal racial biases.
The Diverse Educators’ Anti-Racism Toolkit
- How do I intentionally show up as an anti-racist?
- How do I face the facts about racism, white privilege, and white supremacy?
- How do I challenge racial stereotyping?
- How do I champion equality and fight for equity?
- How do I share any privilege I have to centre marginalised Black and brown people?
DEIB Leaders Network

DEIB Leaders Network
DEIB Leaders Network
Are you leading on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in your school, academy, college or trust?
We believe that every school should have someone who is designated to take on this leadership role, someone who is dedicated to being or committed to becoming a DEI activist.
Recruit and Remunerate a DEI Leader
A DSL and a SENDCO are appointed through a formal process, they have a Job Description and a Personal Specification to clarify their remit, they have clarity around their role and their responsibility, they are trained, they are line managed, they have a budget and they are allocated leadership time.
Please ensure that your DEI Leader is provided with the same support to increase their sphere of influence as a whole school leader to lead the necessary change. The DEI Leader is an essential whole school responsibility.
Lots of schools, academies and trusts are asking for support with the framing of a DEI Leadership role in their organisation. Please review our exemplar recruitment pack and documents to support the recruitment process of a DEI Leader.
We provide a number of ways to support schools who want to develop their DEI efforts and who are ready to nominate, develop and remunerate a DEI leader.
- Our DEI Leaders Programme
- Our DEI Leaders Network
- Our DEI Leaders Conference
Join Our DEIB Leaders Network
We have pledged to create a space for DEIB Leaders to come together regularly to connect with other DEIB Leaders to reflect, to discuss, to share best practice and to potentially collaborate.
Attend our DEIB Leaders Conference
We are planning to hold an annual DEIB leaders conference each June to bring the network together, to reflect, to discuss, to share and to support each other on their journeys.
Come and affirm the progress you have made, celebrate the impact you are having, network with likeminded people and develop your DEIB strategy for next academic year.
Upcoming Cohorts
Our ITTE Training

Our ITTE Training
Our ITTE Training
Our Training Offer
We support a number of SCITTs and ITTE providers with their DEI provision and strategy including NASBTT, UCET and Now Teach.
We deliver keynotes, panel talks and workshops at various national ITTE conferences.
We facilitate core DEI training for whole training cohorts, of primary and secondary trainee teachers, for their mentors, tutors and course leaders.
- Developing an understanding of key DEI concepts and language
- Reflecting on our own identities and lived experience
- Exploring our power, privilege and blind spots
- Preparing for courageous conversations
- Creating inclusive learning environments
- Representing diverse role models in our curriculum
- Inspiring Leaders Teacher Training
- Keele and North Staffordshire Teacher Education (KNSTE)
- Leicester Primary and Secondary SCITT
- North Essex Teacher Training
- National Mathematics and Physics SCITT
- Norfolk Teacher Training Centre
- Pimlico – London SCITT
- Somerset SCITT
- Wildern Partnership SCITT
Thank you so much for your amazing input today – it has provoked so much discussion for our trainees and for us as a team. You are inspiring. Thank you for inspiring, challenging and supporting us today we are so grateful.
Jacqui Waring, Director of NTTC
The virtual DEI conference from #DiverseEd is an integral part of our ITT training offer. The opportunity for teachers in our region to engage with such a wealth of expertise at the start of their career is invaluable; we would highly recommend these events to all SCITTs and training providers.
Karen Taylor-Paul, Director of Alban Teaching School Hub
Chiltern Teaching School Hub are proud to partner with Diverse Educators. The impact on our ECTs and trainee teachers from attending sessions and conferences with Diverse Educators has been reflected in their classroom practice and wider professional commitment. The sessions are engaging, inspiring and highlight the importance of protected characteristics for supporting and raising attainment for students as well as networks and CPD for our teachers.
Cheryl Abbiss, Deputy Director of Chiltern Teaching School Hub
Judaism Holocaust and Antisemitism Enrichment

Judaism, Holocaust and Antisemitism Enrichment
I have worked with many primary and secondary schools, addressing Year 4-8 classes on Judaism and its Customs/Traditions, with my family story being the centrepiece of my presentations. This presentation is also suitable for Years 7-8.
For the past 10 years, I have been visiting over 160 schools within the UK, delivering presentations on The Holocaust and Antisemitism from a personal viewpoint. I tell my own family story, being the son and grandson of refugees from Nazi Germany. My Great-Grandma survived the camps while my Great Aunt and Uncle perished in Auschwitz. I myself have been the victim of prejudice both at school and in my professional career as a teacher, with over 25 years’ experience.
I feel that my personal experience, background and observations would be invaluable in this respect. As well as personal visits, I have put together a series of Powerpoint presentations aimed at different year group combinations (Years 7-13), which can also be accessed via Zoom or Teams – Judaism, The Holocaust and Antisemitism:A Personal Journey.
My newest presentation, The History of Antisemitism from Medieval Times to the Present Day, is particularly valid for Year 9 students and above. With antisemitism increasing in many places across the world, especially in the UK, I take a personal journey through myths and stereotypes that are still being perpetrated today and ask what we can do to focus attention on the more extreme acts of prejudice. This would be a 50 minute presentation with time for questions at the end. So far, the presentation has made a big impression with many schools.

Middle East Education (London)
Provides balanced talks in schools, Youth Clubs, adult audiences, by a Muslim and a Jew together on the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Middle East in general. Both speakers are truth seeking, not pro one side or the other. The talks are illustrated with colourful photos and maps, can be tailored to any required length, and allow for plenty of audience participation and Q&A. Our website contains many resources, lesson plans, etc. A Registered Charity.
Both speakers have done much research and studying and are very knowledgeable. In particular, our Muslim speaker understands Arabic, and so is able to follow exactly what is written and said in the Arab world, rather than on translations which the rest of us have to rely on.
Alternative Curriculum

Alternative Curriculum
Alternative Curriculum is a not-for-profit learning platform run by a group of like-minded individuals, educators and teachers, working together to create free online resources. Their aim is to provide an alternative narrative to those used in schools and colleges across the country, and to supplement students’ existing learning.
AC was launched with the ambition to widen the educational conversation and deepen an understanding of many subjects that are often airbrushed out of our national curriculum. The group’s aim is to amplify diverse voices and give young people the chance to learn about the varied histories, cultures and communities that have contributed to society.
AC lessons focus on minority groups and those whose histories and cultures are not as thoroughly covered in the mainstream curriculum, with lessons on various topics within areas of history, science, media, literature, cultural studies and more.
Our Contributors

Our Contributors
Our Contributors
Gender Reassignment
Marriage and Civil Partnership
Maternity and Pregnancy
Religion and Belief
Sexual Orientation
Open Drama UK

Open Drama UK
Open Drama UK was a national networking platform set up in 2019 to bring Drama teachers, practitioners and industry experts together to ‘advance, improve and benefit young people through Drama.’ Through their networks they ran face to face and online events which were accessed free of charge until Dec 2024. Their resources, workshops and events covered a wide range of information which was relevant and topical. They worked across the sector to ensure young people accessed Drama in schools and/or via an extra curricular provision whilst being educated about diversity, disabilities and sexual discrimination through their training and resources for teachers and practitioners.
Why Katie Mitchell is passionate about feminist theatre and representation of women in theatre. Listen to their podcast conversation via Spotify.
What strategies can you employ to support neurodiverse learners in Drama? Why Drama can be a real leveller for all learners.
Fertility Issues in Teaching

Fertility Issues in Teaching
Fertility Issues in Teaching was founded in 2020. Through consultancy and training, we help leaders to become inclusive, equitable and flexible in their approach as they support employees throughout fertility treatment and baby loss.
According to the NHS, 1 in 7 couples are infertile, and 1 in 4 suffer baby loss (Tommy’s).
We are committed to making the workplace a fertility, family and friendly place to be, so that women can continue to progress in their careers in an encouraging environment.
Using recent and relevant data, we deliver quality training around infertility and fertility issues.
- Leaders
- Staff
- Governors
- HR Managers