Bold Voices

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Bold Voices

Bold Voices is an award winning social enterprise preparing and empowering school communities to recognise and tackle gender inequality and gender-based violence. In 2022-23 alone we worked with over 32,000 young people, staff and parents in 100 schools across the UK, delivering knowledge about gender inequality, creating spaces for critical thought and discussion, and building the courage to challenge gendered issues.

Our education centres around building a critical, gendered lens on the world and being able to recognise that all forms of gender inequality are connected together, from gender stereotypes and gendered language that can appear harmless at first glance, all the way to experiences of sexual harassment and violence that we know cause harm. An important part of our approach is empowering young people themselves to be at the forefront of culture and attitude change. This is achieved through our Ambassador Programme that has so far supported over 150 young people aged 15-18 to develop the knowledge and skills to run projects creating change around gender inequality within their schools. We also run Mentor Projects within schools that sees us train up a group of 30 16-18 year olds who come and support with delivering workshops to younger year groups.

We deliver workshops, talks and programmes and provide resources and training in schools for young people, staff and parents and carers.

Blue Patch Sustainable Business Award for Social Impact (2021)

BBC Feature

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Fast Forward Diversity Inclusion


#FastForward DiversityInclusion

#FastForward DiversityInclusion

International Women's Day 2021

Episode 1

With Leslee Udwin.

Episode 2

With Dr Mairi Macleod.

Series 1

Episode 1

With Rhodora Palomar-Fresnedi.

Episode 2

With Liz Wright.

Episode 3

with Professor Paul Miller.

Episode 4

With Dr Fran Johnston.

Episode 5

With Sarah Dolman.

Episode 6

With Fajli Bibi.

Episode 7

With Sabrina Jones and Josh Olasehinde.

Episode 8

With Dion Johnson.

Episode 9

With Shaun Dellenty.

Episode 10

with Ray Vincent.

Episode 11

With Andrew Moffat.

Episode 12

With Hansah Hussain and Iqra Iqbal.

Diverse Governance

Governance Icon

#Diverse Governance

#Diverse Governance

Session 1 – 19/11/20

With guests Dolapo Ogunbawo, Steve Edmonds, Jeannie Hume and Linda Unternahrer.

Session 2 – 3/12/20

With guests Adrian McLean, Emma Gregory, Ninna Makrinov, Mark Taylor and Raj Unsworth.

Session 3 – 14/01/21

With guests Maureen Chiana, Prince Caesar and Sharon Warmington.

Session 4 – 04/02/21

With guests Irfan Latif, Lavinya Stennett, Magdalene Adenaike and Siraj Mayet.

Session 5 – 25/02/21

With guests Jordan Holder, Josie Veghese, Alex Kumar, Cheryl Connelly and Karris Graham-Moore.

Session 6 – 27/02/21

With guests Sandeep Kaur, Sarah Amissah, Connor Acton and Karen Giles.

DiverseEd Book Events Archive

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#DiverseEd Book Events Archive

#DiverseEd Book Events Archive

Our Leading DEIB in Schools Programme

DEI Leaders Icon

Our Leading DEIB in Schools Programme

Our Leading DEIB in Schools Programme

As facilitators we have been careful to construct a programme that recognises the ongoing nature of this work. Our delivery is sensitive to the fact that not every school is where they want to be and so with a non-judgemental and practical approach the programme will support each school that we work with to set out their current roadblocks and plan a sustainable route map.

We believe that supporting and challenging individuals in their beliefs around Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) matters, as well as ensuring cultural commitment to the work at a strategic level, are the best means of securing safe and inclusive schools for the whole community.

This programme is to support schools who want to develop their DEI efforts and who are ready to nominate, develop and remunerate a DEI leader. The programme consists of 10 sessions, delivered virtually, with intersessional tasks to complete:

  • Introduction Session
  • Session 1: Context: Making the political case - Human Rights / Case Law
  • Session 2: Context: Making the political personal - The Social Justice Case
  • Intersessional work – Audit the staff culture
  • Session 3: Exploring: Staff feelings about DEI culture (reflecting on the audits)
  • Session 4: Developing: Training and Support for staff – The Plan
  • Session 5: Exploring: Why diversify the curriculum?
  • Intersessional work – Audit the curriculum
  • Session 6: Developing: Diversifying the curriculum - The Plan
  • Session 7: Exploring: How do our policies and procedures, vision and values support our ambitions for DEI in our schools?
  • Session 8: Embedding: Drawing together the plan, identifying the strategic leadership of the plan
  • Celebration Session

We run open cohorts where you can book a place or places for colleagues to network with other DEI leaders, or we can create a bespoke set of dates for a closed cohort where a cluster, a trust, a locality or a teaching school alliance buys 20 places.

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Watch Our DEI Leaders Q&A with Angie and Hannah

This course has helped to empower DEI conversations both personal and professional. It offers practical ways of promoting DEI in a school context and understands the challenges and pressures that may be faced.

Ana-Maria Fernandez, Head of Year

This programme has facilitated personal and organisation-wide growth and learning. It has been instrumental in supporting our ambitions around DEI and, as a result, is increasing diversity and inclusion MAT-wide.

Antonia Spinks, Co-CEO

The Protected Characteristics

Protected Characteristics Grid icon

The Protected Characteristics

The Protected Characteristics

We are delighted to be able to showcase and amplify the work of organisations and individuals who are committed to developing diversity, equity and inclusion within and throughout the education system.

If you are looking for an organisation or training provider to work with your pupils/ students, teaching/ support staff, leadership team, governors or parents/ carers then this is an overview of organisations working to raise awareness, increase consciousness and educate school stakeholders broken down by each of the Protected Characteristics as outlined by the Equality Act:

Age icon


Disability Icon


Gender Reassignment Icon

Gender Reassignment

Marriage and Civil Partnership Icon

Marriage & Civil Partnership

Pregnancy and Maternity Icon

Pregnancy & Maternity

Race Icon


Religion and Belief Icon

Religion & Belief

Sex Icon



Sexual Orientation

Intersectionality Toolkit Icon



Please bear in mind that we cannot take responsibility for the services that they offer, but we can recommend them as organisations and individuals in our extensive network. Please always ask for testimonials and case studies to show impact to validate who you choose to work with.

If you are an organisation who would like to be listed in Our DEI Directory, then please contact us.

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Diversity in ITTE


Diversity in ITTE

Diversity in ITTE

Diverse Educators are working in collaboration with national organisations responsible for Initial Teacher Training and Education (ITTE) to amplify the conversations around diverse representation in recruiting and retaining diverse Early Career Teachers.

We are delighted to be working with training providers across the country to support the trainee teachers and their trainers/ mentors.

Our very popular training session for whole cohorts is here:

Our ITTE Training

We have a supporting DEI Toolkit here:

Our ITTE Providers' Toolkit

We also host an annual virtual DEI for ITTs conference in January. (Get in touch if you are a smaller SCITT and need a discount to be able to access the event).

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Each organisation is aligned with our #DiverseEd vision, mission and values to ensure that we have diverse representation at every level of the school system, including in the organisations responsible for training and mentoring our next generation of teachers through ITTE and ECF provision.

Our 2023-24 meetings schedule:

  • Wednesday 29th November 2023 12.00-1.00pm
  • Wednesday 20th March 2024 12.00-1.00pm
  • Wednesday 3rd July 2024 12.00-1.00pm

If you would like to get involved in our Diversity in ITTE activities and join us at our termly meetings, get in touch or you can book here:

Book Now

We are delighted to be attending the UCET 2024 conference in Leeds where we will chair a panel of partners to share their best practice and learn from their challenges in their DEI work.

We also collaborated with NASBTT on a podcast series: Hannah Wilson (Diverse Educators) and James Coleman (NASBTT) are the co-hosts of the DEI in ITTE Podcast.


If you would like to get involved in our Diversity in ITTE activities which will include a research project, a series of articles and a webcast series, or if you would like to join us at our half-termly meetings, get in touch.

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The training sessions Hannah delivers are brilliant, they are engaging, interesting and full of lots of practical strategies that can be adopted. Hannah delivers thought-provoking content and provides a valuable opportunity for our members to engage, share experience and expertise over a key subject.

The National Association of School-Based Teacher Training

Our Book

Book icon

Diverse Educators:
A Manifesto

Diverse Educators:
A Manifesto

Our book is published by Legend Times / The University of Buckingham Press. We are excited to have worked with 11 chapter editors and 114 contributors on this writing project.

The Diverse Educators’ book is structured, like our website, around the Equality Act. There are ten chapters, one for each of the nine Protected Characteristics (Age; Disability; Gender Reassignment; Pregnancy and Maternity; Marriage and Civil Partnership; Race; Religion and Belief; Sex; Sexual Orientation) with a tenth chapter exploring intersectionality.

Each chapter has a chapter editor (s) who has worked with ten contributors offering a multiplicity of perspectives on the protected characteristic being explored in the chapter. Each contributor has interwoven their personal and professional narrative, framed in theory, to respond to current and historic debates. The chapter editor has written an introduction to the chapter to give context and to frame the chapter’s narratives, arguments and provocations.

We are committed to capturing the collective voice of our community and to showcasing the diverse lived experiences of educators. We are keen for Diverse Educators: A Manifesto to be both academic and accessible. We intend for the book to be solutions-focused with high-quality input on practice, pedagogy, people management and policy.

We are delighted by the endorsements that our early reviewers of our book, Diverse Educators: A Manifesto, have shared with us.

Order on Amazon
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Our Editors

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Our Contributors

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Our Endorsements



Get 25% off Diverse Educators: A Manifesto using the discount code DIVERSE25

Please click on the button below and apply the discount code at the checkout. There is no time limit on this offer.

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Book Launch

Diversity Roundtables

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Diversity Roundtables

Diversity Roundtables

At the end of July 2020, a Diversity Roundtable series was initiated to create a space for a joined-up conversation about how we can collaborate better across the education system on the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion agenda in schools.

Our 2023-24 meetings schedule is:

  • Tuesday 7th November 2023 - 8.30-10.00am
  • Tuesday 23rd January 2024 - 8.30-10.00am
  • Tuesday 16th April 2024 - 8.30-10.00am
  • Tuesday 9th July 2024 - 8.30-10.00am

Please get in touch if you would like to contribute:

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We are supporting and amplifying the Edurio EDI Survey which aims to be the largest data collection of its kind across the school system.

Find Out More

If you/your organisation has a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion in the education system and you have a representative who would like to join us at our termly Diversity Roundtable meetings, get in touch.

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If Not Me

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If Not Me

Ifnotme -inclusion is a coaching and training company celebrating and promoting inclusion in all areas of life.

The company is run by me, Steve Morley. I am an Inclusion teacher, Activity Alliance Tutor, Author, Educator, Public Speaker, and Mental Health Advocate. I have worked in business management, local government, and sports development. I have also worked as a sports coach coaching from beginner to elite level.

Since retiring from my “proper job” in 2015, I spend my time helping others change the world, one thought at a time. I do this through education and the delivery of courses and workshops.

The experience I gained in business and local government, particularly my work with ethnic communities, the homeless, people with disabilities, and people with mental health conditions give me a certain perspective when delivering courses such as “Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion,” Mental Health & Wellbeing in the Workplace” and “Supporting and fostering good mental health in children and adolescents.”

Equally, my sporting background, coaching from grassroots up to elite level, gives a degree of authority when delivering courses such as “How Authentic Leaders use a Sporting Mindset to build effective teams.”

When not teaching, I enjoy mentoring and working with young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.

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