Yes She Can

Yes She Can
We Inspire, Empower and Engage. We inspire our community to break career glass ceiling. We showcase inspirational women and provide real life role models. We upskill, coach and mentor people to help them be the best that they can be in their career. We engage with great businesses and educational establishments to support them on their Diversity journey. We deliver workshops, training and strategy consultation to help drive change.
The Ogden Trust

The Ogden Trust
The Ogden Trust aims to increase the uptake of physics post-16 by supporting physics education and engagement for all young people (4-18), particularly those in under-represented groups. The Trust supports schools, teachers, projects and programmes that are committed to enhancing physics teaching and learning.
Through school-led partnerships the Trust helps to build and sustain supportive, collaborative teaching communities that can bring about improvement in physics education, engagement and learning environments. The Trust offers support for teachers of physics through the provision of professional development, subject knowledge, skills and resources.
We work with universities, employers and community groups to help widen access to physics enrichment and to encourage more people to understand the career pathways that can be opened up through physics.
Our primary science curriculum resources on our website have been written by primary experts and physics specialists and are aimed at supporting the delivery of hands-on science in the classroom. Many of our secondary resources are provided by partners and associates of the Trust and we are pleased to signpost you to these excellent teaching and learning aids. There are Ogden resources that will be useful in secondary, particularly KS3.
In addition, we have a series of ‘How to’ guides from our partnership schools which offer first-hand advice on running enrichment activities, creating effective partnerships for science and raising the profile of physics within your school.
Our ‘Phizzi professional’ series gives an insight into just some of the many and varied careers available to aspiring young physicists. These resources can be used by primary and secondary practitioners.
We regularly run news stories and celebrate histories, i.e. Black History month
We have 6 research cards featuring inspirational black physicists for you to download
We will be celebrating LGBT+ History in February with resources
Teach First Multi-Faith Network

Teach First Multi-Faith Network
We’re a group of teachers who aim to support, develop and inspire people of all faiths in the Teach First community. We have grown a lot since last June and have been holding events where people can get to know each other, learn more about teaching as a person of faith, and be reminded of why they started teaching.
We appreciate that teachers are busy, and that people experiencing discrimination can feel isolated. That is what we aim to challenge, by showing teachers that they are not alone. We connect teachers from a range of beliefs and offer a helping hand as they live out their faith.
We aim to meet every term, and because we have members from across the country, we do this online. We have events where we aim to develop our members as teachers, to help us live our faith through our work. We also have events where we reflect on why we teach, to help us to go to work with enthusiasm and passion.
If you’d like to get involved, we have newsletters which come out every term, and a number of micro-networks for personal support. Sign up and we’ll be in touch.
Schools of Sanctuary

Schools of Sanctuary
Schools of Sanctuary is a support programme, award scheme and network of schools committed to providing support to the thousands of young people seeking sanctuary in the UK, whilst creating a culture of welcome and inclusion for all refugees and people seeking asylum.
To be recognised as a School of Sanctuary, schools must demonstrate that the whole school community has learnt about migration issues, embedded policies and practices of welcome and inclusion, and shared our vision of welcome beyond the school gates, working in partnership with their local community. In doing so, Schools of Sanctuary celebrates schools that proactively and effectively meet the needs of students from sanctuary-seeking backgrounds and take steps to challenge misinformation and inaccurate rhetoric around migration and build empathy and solidarity.
The Schools of Sanctuary programme supports schools every step of the way, by offering tailored events and advice, signposting to helpful resources, sharing case studies, facilitating local connections and developing unique opportunities with a range of partners.
Schools of Sanctuary is overseen by City of Sanctuary UK, a UK-wide refugee sector charity.
Schools of Sanctuary has been recognised as one of 29 global ‘promising practices’ in inclusive and sustainable refugee education by the UNHCR, Refugee REACH at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, Qatar Foundation International (QFI), Save the Children, Sirius and the University of Nottingham. Learn more.
The British Council also highlight the positive impact Schools of Sanctuary has on building ‘newly arrived ELT resilience’ in schools: Learn more.
The Rainbow Flag Award

The Rainbow Flag Award
The Rainbow Flag Award is a national quality assurance framework for primary schools, secondary schools, SEND schools and colleges. The award focuses on positive LGBT+, (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, plus other related identities), inclusion and visibility.
The Rainbow Flag Award encourages a whole organisation approach to LGBT+ inclusion, as well as developing strategies to effectively challenge and combat LGBTphobic bullying.
Committing your school or college to the Rainbow Flag Award is a commitment to improve the lives of all the young people that you work with, as well as the LGBT+ young people in your care, those from LGBT+ families, and LGBT+ staff members.
The Rainbow Flag Award is a national framework, that utilises only local LGBT+ youth organisations as delivery partners. This is a core guiding value of the award, which means that the training and services that are provided are relevant to, have understanding of, local communities and their needs. It also means that information shared through training and other communications, is current and fresh, representing the actual everyday experiences of LGBT+ young people in the local area.
Any monies generated by this scheme then help support, often underfunded, LGBT+ youth provision locally.
Our Trust Leaders Training

Our Trust Leaders' Training
Our Trust Leaders' Training
Our Training Offer
We support trust leadership teams with their DEI vision, mission and strategy to embed sustainable change.
We can deliver face to face and virtually, for central team development days, meetings and twilights.
We can be your critical friends and support you on your journey to develop confidence and competence in shaping inclusive policies and practices that work across your group of schools.
- Understanding key DEI concepts and language
- Communicating your DEI commitment through your vision, mission and values
- Gathering data about your organisation
- Developing cultural intelligence
- Creating belonging and psychological safety
- Modelling inclusive leadership behaviours
- Curating professional learning programmes to support training needs
- Holding courageous conversations
- Creating sustainable strategic plans for transformation over time
- Agora Learning Trust
- Discovery Trust
- Djanogly Trust
- Elliot Foundation
- Gallery Trust
- King Edward’s Trust
- Pioneer Learning Trust
- Raleigh Learning Trust
- South Pennine’s Academies
- Summit Learning Trust
This programme has facilitated personal and organisation-wide growth and learning. It has been instrumental in supporting our ambitions around DEI and, as a result, is increasing diversity and inclusion MAT-wide.
Antonia Spinks, Co-CEO, Pioneer Learning Trust
Fantastic training – listening to Hannah talk about diversity, equity and inclusion was both inspiring and challenging; just what we needed as senior trust leaders to start the conversation about DEI across the Partnership. The training left leaders feeling ready and able to take the steps needed to ensure all children and adults across our organisation feel that they truly belong.
Rebecca Daulman, CEO, Agora Learning Partnership
We have done pockets of work around DEI across the last year but knew we needed to tie things together and ensure that all staff across the Trust had the same training so that we can move forwards collectively as one. From the moment I enquired about training, Hannah was passionate, knowledgeable, and supportive. Our expectations were exceeded by the facilitator who delivered the training in a manner that took the whole staff with her. We now have a level playing field where all staff have received the same training meaning that we can explore our collective and individual lived experiences in a safe place. I can’t recommend Diverse Educators highly enough.
James Roach, CEO, Inclusive MAT
Our Governors Training

Our Governors' Training
Our Governors' Training
Our Training Offer
We support governing bodies in shaping the strategic direction of a DEI commitment.
We can deliver face to face and virtually, for governance development days, meetings and twilights.
We will support you on your journey to develop confidence and competence in shaping inclusive policies and practices.
- Developing an understanding of key DEI concepts and language
- Reflecting on our own identities and lived experience
- Exploring our individual and collective power, privilege and blind spots
- Leading sustainable change over time
- Creating a DEI infrastructure to distribute the leadership
- Reviewing policies and practices for inclusion
- Navigating potential media and PR fallouts around our commitment
- Association of Colleges
- Dr Challoner’s Girls’ High School
- Governors for Schools
- Halcyon International School
- Hatton Special School
- St Marylebone Bridge School
The session was thoughtfully planned and perfectly pitched to the audience. It was the right amount of information and discussion, and encouraged careful thought, reflection and planning.
Kate Brown, Assistant Headteacher, Dr Challoner’s High School
Our Senior Leaders Training

Our Senior Leaders' Training
Our Senior Leaders' Training
Our Training Offer
We support senior leadership teams in primary and secondary, in state and independent, in the UK and internationally with their DEI strategy.
We can deliver face to face and virtually, for leadership development days, meetings and twilights.
We can be your critical friends and support you on your journey to develop confidence and competence in shaping inclusive policies and practices.
- Developing an understanding of key DEI concepts and language
- Reflecting on our own identities and lived experience
- Exploring our individual and collective power, privilege and blind spots
- Communicating our DEI commitment through our vision, mission and values
- Understanding how to develop cultural intelligence
- Developing inclusive leadership behaviours
- Holding courageous conversations
- Creating sustainable strategic plans for transformation over time
- Christchurch Primary School
- Dr Challoner’s High School
- Hampstead School
- Handsworth Girls’ School
- High Storrs School
- New Mills School
- Villiers School
- West Buckland School
The session was thoughtfully planned and perfectly pitched to the audience. It was the right amount of information and discussion, and encouraged careful thought, reflection and planning.
Kate Brown, Assistant Headteacher, Dr Challoner’s High School
Our Toolkits

Our DEI Toolkits
Our DEI Toolkits
We are building a series of toolkits to collate resources on key themes affecting our diverse educators’ network and the schools we serve.
Thank you to our toolkit authors who have helped us to curate the recommended reading, listening and watching lists to develop knowledge and understanding on each theme.
Our current list of #DiverseEd toolkits include:
EQuality Training

EQuality Training
EQuality Training is an innovative, vibrant company that designs and delivers tailored training in equality & diversity, inclusive practice and leadership
Ph.D. Accounting for human rights – Exploring accountability, human rights and legitimacy from a disability equality perspective
A Different Perspective on Inclusive practice – respectful language (2013).
A Different Perspective on Disability (2011).
Using dialogue to find a shared respectful language in order to build equity for vulnerable children and families from marginalised groups, at the ‘Honoring the Child, Honoring Equity 11’ world conference in Melbourne Nov 2011.
The language of respect, The British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society conference July 2012.
Respectful language: how the use of dialogue can support the moral development of leaders and a move towards a more respectful culture within organisations, in the US and special editions of the Journal of Psychological Issues in Organizational Culture 2013.
Oldham children’s services – Inclusive Practice: a toolkit for outstanding settings
Durham early years’ service – Inclusive practice in the home and beyond