Judaism Holocaust and Antisemitism Enrichment

Judaism Holocaust and Antisemitism Enrichment logo

Judaism, Holocaust and Antisemitism Enrichment

I have worked with many primary and secondary schools, addressing Year 4-8 classes on Judaism and its Customs/Traditions, with my family story being the centrepiece of my presentations. This presentation is also suitable for Years 7-8.

For the past 10 years, I have been visiting over 160 schools within the UK, delivering presentations on The Holocaust and Antisemitism from a personal viewpoint. I tell my own family story, being the son and grandson of refugees from Nazi Germany. My Great-Grandma survived the camps while my Great Aunt and Uncle perished in Auschwitz. I myself have been the victim of prejudice both at school and in my professional career as a teacher, with over 25 years’ experience.

I feel that my personal experience, background and observations would be invaluable in this respect. As well as personal visits, I have put together a series of Powerpoint presentations aimed at different year group combinations (Years 7-13), which can also be accessed via Zoom or Teams – Judaism, The Holocaust and Antisemitism:A Personal Journey.

My newest presentation, The History of Antisemitism from Medieval Times to the Present Day, is particularly valid for Year 9 students and above. With antisemitism increasing in many places across the world, especially in the UK, I take a personal journey through myths and stereotypes that are still being perpetrated today and ask what we can do to focus attention on the more extreme acts of prejudice. This would be a 50 minute presentation with time for questions at the end. So far, the presentation has made a big impression with many schools.

Contact Judaism, Holocaust and Antisemitism Enrichment


Meedu logo

Middle East Education (London)

Provides balanced talks in schools, Youth Clubs, adult audiences, by a Muslim and a Jew together on the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Middle East in general. Both speakers are truth seeking, not pro one side or the other. The talks are illustrated with colourful photos and maps, can be tailored to any required length, and allow for plenty of audience participation and Q&A. Our website contains many resources, lesson plans, etc. A Registered Charity.

Both speakers have done much research and studying and are very knowledgeable. In particular, our Muslim speaker understands Arabic, and so is able to follow exactly what is written and said in the Arab world, rather than on translations which the rest of us have to rely on.

Contact Middle East Education (London)

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Alternative Curriculum

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Alternative Curriculum

Alternative Curriculum is a not-for-profit learning platform run by a group of like-minded individuals, educators and teachers, working together to create free online resources. Their aim is to provide an alternative narrative to those used in schools and colleges across the country, and to supplement students’ existing learning.

AC was launched with the ambition to widen the educational conversation and deepen an understanding of many subjects that are often airbrushed out of our national curriculum.​ The group’s aim is to amplify diverse voices and give young people the chance to learn about the varied histories, cultures and communities that have contributed to society.

AC lessons focus on minority groups and those whose histories and cultures are not as thoroughly covered in the mainstream curriculum, with lessons on various topics within areas of history, science, media, literature, cultural studies and more.

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Our Contributors

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Our Contributors

Our Contributors


Hugh Ogilvie portrait

Hugh Ogilvie

Ian Hunter portrait

Ian Hunter

Jane Clewlow portrait

Jane Clewlow

Jo Brighouse image

Jo Brighouse

Leila MacTavish portrait

Leila MacTavish

Isabel Instone portrait

Isabel Instone

Nicky Bright portrait

Nicky Bright

Patrick Thomson portrait

Patrick Thomson

Richard Lewis portrait

Richard Lewis

Savitri Patel portrait

Savitri Patel

Tulika Samal portrait

Tulika Samal


Anya Diaz-Cebreiro portrait

Anya Diaz-Cebreiro

Artemi Sakellariadis portrait

Artemi Sakellariadis

Caroline Powell portrait

Caroline Powell

Liz Wright portrait

Elizabeth Wright

George Fielding portrait

George Fielding

James Hollinsley portrait

James Hollinsley

Julie Cassiano portrait

Julie Cassiano

Laura McConnell portrait

Laura McConnell

Lena Carter portrait

Lena Carter

Beckie West portrait

Beckie West

Gender Reassignment

Cal Horton flag image

Cal Horton

Char Utton portrait

Char Aramis

Dylan Ahmed portrait

Dylan Ahmed

EJ Francis Caris-Hamer portrait

EJ-Francis Caris-Hamer

Jami Edwards-Clarke portrait

Jami Edwards-Clarke

Kate Hollinshead portrait

Kate Hollinshead

Kip Webb-Heller portrait

Kip Webb-Heller

Kit-Marie Rackley portrait

Kit Marie Rackley

Matthew Savage portrait

Matthew Savage

Tasha Fletcher portrait

Tasha Fletcher


Abena Akuffo Kelly

Abena Akuffo-Kelly

Audrey Pantelis portrait

Audrey Pantelis

Emma Swift portrait

Emma Swift

James Clarke portrait

James Clarke

Kiran Mahil portrait

Kiran Mahil

Lee Jerome portrait

Lee Jerome

Lottie Cooke portrait

Lottie Cooke

Nicole Ponsford portrait

Nic Ponsford

Richard Atterton portrait

Richard Atterton

Dr Susan Davis portrait

Dr Susan Davis

Marriage and Civil Partnership

Amanda Carter-Philpott portrait

Amanda Carter-Philpott

Bex Bothwell-O'Hearn portrait

Bex Bothwell-O'Hearn

Claire Price portrait

Claire Price

Hayle Chalke-Davies portrait

Hayle Chalke-Davies

James Pope portrait

James Pope

Jessica Austin-Burdett portrait

Jessica Austin-Burdett

Kate Pope portrait

Kate Pope

Kiran Satti portrait

Kiran Satti

Laura Davies portrait

Laura Davies

Lois Nethersell-Webb portrait

Lois Nethersell-Webb

Sadie Hollins portrait

Sadie Hollins

Sarah Mullin portrait

Sarah Mullin

Maternity and Pregnancy

Chris Reddy portrait

Chris Reddy

Claire Neaves portrait

Claire Neaves

Cleo de Jong portrait

Cleo de Jong

Julie Waddington portrait

Julie Waddington

Kirsty Colburn-Hayes portrait

Kirsty Colburn-Hayes

Lucy Starbuck-Braidley portrait

Lucy Starbuck-Braidley

Mags Gee portrait

Mags Gee

Mark Chatley portrait

Mark Chatley

Nadine Bernard portrait

Nadine Bernard

Ruth Kennell portrait

Ruth Kennell


Adrian McLean portrait

Adrian McLean

Albert Adeyemi portrait

Albert Adeyemi

Ash Pollard portrait

Ash Pollard

Claire Stewart-Hall portrait

Claire Stewart-Hall

Ebanie Xavier-Cope portrait

Ebanie Xavier-Cope

Jenetta Hurst portrait

Jenetta Hurst

Jessica Boyd portrait

Jessica Boyd

Laura Mcbean and Shrehan Lynch portrait

Laura McBean and Shrehan Lynch

Rhia Gibbs portrait

Rhia Gibbs

Sharon Porter portrait

Sharon Porter

Religion and Belief

Allison Zionts portrait

Allison Zionts

Anjum Peerbacos portrait

Anjum Peerbacos

Aysha Khanom portrait

Aysha Khanom

Elizabeth Walsh-Iheoma portrait

Elizabeth Walsh-Iheoma

Esther Cummins portrait

Esther Cummins

George White portrait

George White

Jacqui Newsome portrait

Jacqueline Newsome

Nasra Barre portrait

Nasra Barre

Orla McKeating portrait

Orla McKeating

Phillip Smith portrait

Phillip Smith


Alex Purdie portrait

Alex Purdie

Anita Fiddes portrait

Anita Fiddes-Kapadia

Annelouise Jordan-Leazy portrait

Annelouise Jordan

Diana Osagie portrait

Diana Osagie

Jeremy Davies portrait

Jeremy Davies

Lindsay Patience portrait

Lindsay Patience

Lucy Rose portrait

Lucy Rose

Ninna Makrinov portrait

Ninna Makrinov

Patrick Ottley-O'Connor portrait

Patrick Ottley-O'Connor

Virginia Mendez portrait

Virginia Mendez

Yamina Bibi portrait

Yamina Bibi

Sexual Orientation

Amy Ferguson portrait

Amy Ferguson

Andrew Moffat portrait

Andrew Moffat

Carly Hind portrait

Carly Hind

Daniel Tomlinson-Gray portrait

Daniel Tomlinson-Gray

Jac Bastian portrait

Jac Bastian

Lisa Jordan portrait

Lisa Jordan

Mahlon Evans-Sinclair portrait

Mahlon Evans-Sinclair

Mayur Gupta portrait

Mayur Gupta

Nick Bentley portrait

Nick Kitchener-Bentley

Shaun Dellenty portrait

Shaun Dellenty

Open Drama UK

Open Drama logo

Open Drama UK

Open Drama UK is a national networking platform set up to bring Drama teachers, practitioners and industry experts together to ‘advance, improve and benefit young people through Drama.’ Through our networks we run face to face and online events which are accessed free of charge. Our resources, workshops and events cover a wide range of information which has relevance and topical content. We work across the sector to ensure young people accessing Drama in schools and/or via an extra curricular provision are being educated about diversity, disabilities and sexual discrimination through our training and resources for teachers and practitioners.

How representative is your Drama curriculum? Make Drama representative of the world we live in.

Why Katie Mitchell is passionate about feminist theatre and representation of women in theatre.

What strategies can you employ to support neurodiverse learners in Drama? Why Drama can be a real leveller for all learners.

Contact Open Drama UK

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Fertility Issues in Teaching

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Fertility Issues in Teaching

Fertility Issues in Teaching was founded in 2020. Through consultancy and training, we help leaders to become inclusive, equitable and flexible in their approach as they support employees throughout fertility treatment and baby loss.

According to the NHS, 1 in 7 couples are infertile, and 1 in 4 suffer baby loss (Tommy’s).

We are committed to making the workplace a fertility, family and friendly place to be, so that women can continue to progress in their careers in an encouraging environment.

Using recent and relevant data, we deliver quality training around infertility and fertility issues.

This training is suitable for:

  • Leaders
  • Staff
  • Governors
  • HR Managers

Contact Fertility Issues in Teaching

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Beyond Equality

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Beyond Equality

Beyond Equality is a UK organisation carrying out gender transformative work with men and boys. The core of our work is delivering workshops to boys and men in schools, universities, workplaces, community settings and professional sports environments. Our workshops provide a compassionate, non-judgmental space in which boys and men can:

  • learn about the way in which restrictive masculinities based on stereotypes harm people of all genders, including men and boys;
  • confront their own and each other’s problematic attitudes and behaviours without shame;
  • imagine and express their masculinities in ways that contribute to building safer, more inclusive communities and healthy interpersonal relationships.

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Flexible Working

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Flexible Working Toolkit

Flexible Working Toolkit

Toolkit collated by Hannah Wilson with Lindsay Patience

What Is Flexible Working?

  • Flexible working is a way of working that suits an employee’s needs, for example having flexible start and finish times, or working from home. (https://www.gov.uk/flexible-working)
There is a range of ways that teachers can consider working flexibly:

  • Part time working – the most common form of flexible working across all professions, including teaching. Usually characterized by working less than fulltime hours and/or working fewer days;
  • Job sharing - two or more people do one job and split the hours. Increasingly popular option for teachers and schools, particularly where individual teachers are able to organize and propose their own job-sharing arrangements;
  • Compressed hours - working full-time hours but over fewer days. A useful option when it may not be financially convenient for a teacher to take on a reduced number of hours. However, can have increased workload implications for the reduced number of days that an individual teacher does work;
  • Staggered hours - the employee has different start, finish and break times from other workers (this would be dependent on each individual application and situation). Useful for teachers with caring/childcare responsibilities who may need to drop off or collect children but who don’t want or need to work less than five days a week.
  • Remote working - there are other forms of part-time work, such as working from home, that are increasingly popular in other professions, but which don’t lend themselves so easily to teaching. However, while regular home-working may not be practical for most teachers in most schools, there are many schools which do offer ad hoc working from home opportunities where appropriate.

The Diverse Educators’ Flexible Working Toolkit

We are collating a growing bank of resources to support you in reflecting on the following questions:

  • How can we recruit more teachers through flexible working?
  • How can we retain more teachers through flexible working?
  • How can we reengage more teachers through flexible working?
  • How can we change perspectives on flexible working?
  • How can we create school cultures and ethos to enable flexible working?
  • How can flexible working improve diversity and equality in our schools?


EEF November 2023

A new report on the appetite for flexible working


IMPACT Journal February 2021

A raw deal for part-time leaders?


SchoolsWeek Oct 2020

£500k to boost flexible working and drive staff retention.


SchoolsWeek December 2020

No more excuses for failing to adopt flexible working.


SchoolsWeek September 2021

Why leave teachers out of the flexible working revolution?


Teacher Booker

The ‘Part-Time Teaching’ Panacea.


TES October 2017

Flexible working in senior leadership.


TES Dec 2018

Flexible working teachers – what are your options?


TES January 2020

Embrace flexible working to hire and retain talented staff.


TES May 2020

Flexible working for teachers is truly possible.


TES April 2021

Does flexible working mean the same hours for less pay?


TES May 2021

What if ‘flexible working’ meant leaving school early?


TES October 2021

Improving staff retention through flexible timetabling.


TES October 2021

Will teachers ever have flexible working?


TES November 2021

Flexible working – is this how to make it work for you?



Department for Education – Emma Turner


Department for Education – Sue Plant


Education Support


Innovate My School


Teacher Toolkit




United Learning – Mandy Coalter


University of Buckingham


WomenEd – Flexible and part-time working – the benefits – Raphael Moss


WomenEd – Part-time TLRs – Lindsay Patience



Coalter, Mandy. Talent Architects: How to make your school a great place to work


Dale, Gemma. Flexible Working: How to Implement Flexibility in the Workplace to Improve Employee and Business Performance


Kelliher, Clare (Menezes, Lillian). Flexible Working in Organisations: A Research Overview (State of the Art in Business Research)


Lake, Andy. Smart Flexibility: Moving Smart and Flexible Working from Theory to Practice


Patience, Lindsay and Rose, Lucy. Flex Education: A guide for flexible working in schools


Turner, Emma. Let's Talk about Flex: Flipping the flexible working narrative for education.



Creating a Culture of Flexible Working (The Key)


Flexible Working for Parents (TeacherToolkit)


Flexible Working Requests (XPertHR)


Future of Flexible Working (CIPD)


How to Apply for Flexible Working (Mothers Who Work)


The Jigsaw Puzzle (We are in Beta)


Making Flexible Working Work (The Key)


The Pursuit of Wellbeing – The Power of Flexible Working


SecEd Podcast


Tea and Educake: Lindsay Patience – Flexible Working


Two Heads are Better Than One (We are in Beta)


Wellbeing Podcast: Flexible Working (Optimus)



Campaign Page (WomenEd)


Case Studies and Guidance (Chartered College)


Flexible Working in Education (Timewise)


Flexible Working in Schools Summit


Flexible Working in Schools (DfE)


Flexible Working (CIPD)


Job Sharing Resources (Capability Jane)


NASUWT Guidance


Working Families



Challenging Conventional Working Patterns in Education (Athelstan Trust)

View on YouTube

Flexible Hiring for Approvers (Pioneer FWAS)

View on YouTube

Flexible Working Ambassador School Launch (Malmesbury School)

View on YouTube

Flexible Working for Approvers (Pioneer FWAS)

View on YouTube

Flexible Working for National Teacher Learning Day 2020

View on YouTube

Flexible Working for Requesters (Pioneer FWAS)

View on YouTube

Flexible Working in Schools – How to Make it Work (NFER)

View on YouTube

Flexible Working Schools - Headteacher Job Share (DfE)

View on YouTube

Flexible Working Virtual Meet Up

View on YouTube

How can we take the force out of the teacher workforce? (TES/LKMCo)

View on Facebook

How to Normalise Flexible Working in Schools (CCT)

View on YouTube

#LDEduchat – Flexible Working

View on YouTube

Our Editors

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Our Editors

Our Editors

Our Editors

Bennie Kara portrait

Bennie Kara

Book Co-Editor

Hannah Wilson portrait

Hannah Wilson

Book Co-Editor

Our Chapter Editors

Alex Fox portrait

Alex Fox

Chapter Co-Editor
Pregnancy and Maternity

Angie Browne portrait

Angie Browne

Chapter Editor

David Hermitt portrait

David Hermitt

Chapter Editor
Religion and Belief

Harry Scantlebury portrait

Harry Scantlebury

Chapter Editor
Gender Reassignment

Jackie Hill portrait

Jackie Hill

Chapter Editor
Marriage and Civil Partnership

Professor Jonathan Glazzard portrait

Professor Jonathan Glazzard

Chapter Editor
Sexual Orientation

Katie Waldegrave portrait

Dr Katie Waldegrave

Chapter Editor

Rachel Elgy portrait

Rachel Elgy

Chapter Editor

Ruth Golding portrait

Ruth Golding

Chapter Editor

Sufian Sadiq portrait

Sufian Sadiq

Chapter Editor

Vicky Fox portrait

Vicky Fox

Chapter Co-Editor
Pregnancy and Maternity