Our Integrating EAL and Multilingual Learners Training

Our Integrating EAL and Multilingual Learners Training
Our Integrating EAL and Multilingual Learners Training
Our Training Offer
We support teachers, leaders and support staff in developing their consciousness, confidence and competence in how to be more inclusive of EAL and multilingual learners, colleagues and families.
We will create an open space to reflect on and to discuss how well we are meeting the needs of multilingual and EAL learners in the classroom and multilingual and EAL families and colleagues beyond the classroom.
We can deliver face to face and virtually, for twilights, INSETs and conferences.
Our Training Session Includes
- Imagining how a new to English pupil feels when they arrive in your school
- Considering how to welcome and embrace the strengths of EAL and multilingual learners
- Challenging the deficit mindset impacting the perception of EAL and multilingual learners
- Sharing good practice for newly arrived pupils being quickly integrated into the school community
- Enabling EAL and multilingual learners to succeed academically through ‘language aware’ teaching
I have now heard DEI from two different speakers and would whole-heartedly recommend. Through a non-threatening and informative approach they will carefully lead the staff through a thought-provoking journey of self-questioning and discovery.
Darren Antony Morgan, Headteacher
This training was something we will remember for a long time. Some staff even shared it was the best CPD they had been part of. We feel it was hugely purposeful and will have a great impact on our school short term and long term. Would definitely recommend!
Katy Nicholls, Deputy Headteacher
Our Governing Inclusively Training

Our Governing Inclusively Training
Our Governing Inclusively Training
Our Training Offer
We support governors in schools. colleges and trustees in trusts, in developing their consciousness, confidence and competence in committing to strategic DEIB.
We can deliver face to face and virtually, for twilights, INSETs and conferences.
We will create a safe space for you to explore the barriers and the solutions to strategic problems that are impacting the growth and development of your organisation.
Our Training Session Includes
- Discussing why governance as a system needs to be more inclusive and representative.
- Considering the impact of engaging diverse members of society in governance.
- Reviewing who has the opportunity to participate in decision-making processes.
- Reflecting on how to include a wide range of voices in board meetings to nurture robust debate and ensure the needs of all sections of the school community are well represented.
Hannah Wilson was a delight to listen to. She was enthusiastic, knowledgeable and made the session a pleasure. The time flew by!
Susan Patricia Gardner, Chair of Governors
Our Fostering Belonging in the Classroom Training

Our Fostering Belonging in the Classroom Training
Our Fostering Belonging in the Classroom Training
Our Training Offer
We support teachers in developing their consciousness, confidence and competence in considering who belongs in their classroom.
We will review how we identify and remove the barriers to belonging, whilst sharing best practice for nurturing the conditions for belonging to be fostered.
We can deliver face to face and virtually, for twilights, INSETs and conferences.
Our Training Session Includes
- Considering the importance of names and pronunciation
- Modelling the use of pronouns
- Reviewing how to create greater accessibility for all learners
- Sharing how to encourage a multilingual approach
- Reflecting on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
- Discussing how to modify routines and resources to make them more inclusive
- Sharing how to gather and respond to learner feedback
Diverse Educators offer a wonderful variety of training that allows you to tailor your sessions to the exact needs of your school. They are engaging, excellent facilitators and provoke staff to challenge their own personal biases’. I would highly recommend working with them and I look forward to more opportunities to collaborate in the future.
Thenneh Conteh, DEI Lead & PE Teacher
Our Equipping Coaches and Mentors with DEIB Awareness Training

Our Equipping Coaches and Mentors with DEIB Awareness Training
Our Equipping Coaches and Mentors with DEIB Awareness Training
Our Training Offer
We support coaches and mentors in schools, colleges and trusts to develop DEIB consciousness for their coaching and mentoring practices.
We create and hold a safe space for participants to be open, honest and vulnerable to share their challenges and fears, to be able to co-create solutions to shared problems.
We can deliver face-to-face or virtual INSET and twilight professional learning sessions.
Our Training Session Includes
- Discussing why coaching and mentoring needs to be/become inclusive and representative.
- Considering the barriers that some people might experience in becoming a mentor/ coach.
- Reviewing approaches to create an inclusive coaching and mentoring experience for all.
- Reflecting on how to differentiate for the needs of different coaching and mentoring clients.
DiverseEd really do know how to deliver DEIB topics sensitively, yet powerfully. Because they are experienced at working in a range of settings, they understand the nuance and complexity of the work we are trying to do, and give good advice, which we have already begun to take actions on. I recommend their toolkits, and their training.
Farina Ackerman, AVP Curriculum
I would highly recommend this training to you if you are keen to move beyond a superficial understanding of DEI and how it relates to the way you lead. By maintaining an emphasis on doing the inner ‘work’ first, this training helps us avoid the temptation of leaping to quick, ineffective solutions while paying attention to what really matters in the way we lead and learn together.
Esther Stevenson, BLA Programme Leader
Our Embracing Flexible Working Training

Our Embracing Flexible Working Training
Our Embracing Flexible Working Training
Our Training Offer
We support all stakeholders in schools and trusts, in developing their consciousness, confidence and competence in considering the benefits of flexible working.
We can deliver face to face and virtually, for twilights, INSETs and conferences.
We will explore your organisation’s approach to flexible working and how a revised commitment could support your recruitment and retention strategies.
Our Training Session Includes
- Outlining the current landscape for flexible working in schools.
- Exploring how flexible working policies and practices can support genuine inclusion and diversity in schools.
- Sharing the benefits of a proactive flexible working model for all staff, especially those with protected characteristics.
- Exploring how we can use flexible working to compete with other sectors
- Considering how it can help to recruit and retain effective teachers and leaders.
The training was engaging, clear and delivered with openness and honesty. It promoted great discussion between different groups of staff.
Sharon Khan, Assistant Headteacher
The training was inspiring, and the sincerity and commitment of the presenters shone through.
Nicky Winder, Teacher of English (part time)
Our Advocating for Parents and Carers in the Workplace Training

Our Advocating for Parents and Carers in the Workplace Training
Our Advocating for Parents and Carers in the Workplace Training
Our Training Offer
We support all stakeholders in schools and trusts, in developing their consciousness, confidence and competence in considering the experiences of staff who are parents and carers.
We can deliver face to face and virtually, for twilights, INSETs and conferences.
We will explore your workplace culture and invite you to consider the experiences of your parents and careers, alongside reviewing your policies and processes.
Our Training Session Includes
- Reviewing the research into women leaving the profession
- Considering why women aged 30-39 blame school culture for their decision to quit
- Discussing what needs to be done to improve communication between schools and teachers to address the retention crisis
- Reflecting on how a positive school culture that supports teachers as they become parents does not just benefit mothers and fathers
- Engaging with the practical strategies to improve balance for all staff, that will help colleagues, whatever their role or level of responsibility, to create “life friendly” schools
Informative, interesting and in the context of real life situations which made the messages more relatable.
Karen Waddilove, school support staff
An excellent introduction to a theme that we know is a focus to improve our trust.
Phil Webster, MAT CEO
Our Advancing Diverse Leaders in the Pipeline Training

Our Advancing Diverse Leaders in the Pipeline Training
Our Advancing Diverse Leaders in the Pipeline Training
Our Training Offer
We support leaders and talent managers in developing their consciousness, confidence and competence regarding the development opportunities for diverse educators to progress into leadership roles.
We will identify the internal and external barriers that can hold individuals from marginalised identities back in their careers.
We will consider proactive strategies to support and develop individuals in their career goals.
We can deliver face to face and virtually, for twilights, INSETs and conferences.
Our Training Session Includes
- Identifying and removing the external and internal ‘concrete ceilings’
- Promoting inclusive and empathetic leadership behaviours
- Supporting diverse leaders in articulating their vision, mission and values
- Dismantling the barriers that can hold diverse educators back from progressing into leadership roles
- Disrupting the limiting beliefs that fuel the confidence gap
- Considering the constructive feedback and developmental experiences that diverse leaders need to be exposed to
- Supporting diverse educators in preparing for leadership interviews
Having a safe space allowed me to talk openly without judgement and to realise that I wasn’t alone. The depth of the topics gave me confidence in my values and skill set that I have but also gave me plenty to reflect on to adapt my own leadership and how to view and handle other leader’s leadership.
Diverse Leaders Programme Participant
The Diverse Leaders programme was incredibly impactful for me. The sessions provided valuable insights into leadership strategies and created a supportive environment for collaboration and growth. I felt more prepared and confident for interviewing for my next leadership role.
Diverse Leaders Programme Participant
Our LGBT+ Inclusion Training

Our LGBT+ Inclusion Training
Our LGBT+ Inclusion Training
Our Programme Partnership
Diverse Educators are excited to be collaborating with #DiverseEd Associates Dr Adam Brett and Jo Brassington to bring the Pride and Progress book, podcast and programme to the #DiverseEd network.
Pride & Progress are an award winning podcast, platform, and community group working to amplify the voices of LGBT+ educators and explore ways to make our educational spaces more inclusive. Last year they published their award-winning book ‘Pride & Progress: Making Schools LGBT+ Inclusive Spaces’.
This programme will be facilitated by the two co-founders of Pride & Progress:
Dr Adam Brett (he/him) is a former secondary school teacher, now a lecturer and researcher at the University of Derby with research interests including LGBT+, SEND, and diversity and inclusion.
Jo Brassington (they/them) is a former primary school teacher, now lead associate at Diverse Educators and PhD candidate researching LGBT+ networks in education.
Our Training Offer
We support teachers, curriculum/ subject/ phase leaders, and senior leaders responsible for curriculum design to diversify the curriculum in your school.
We deliver individual workshops and talks – virtually and face to face – but due to demand we are now launching a programme of curated sessions to support you on your journey to make your curriculum more inclusive and more representative.
This four part training programme delivered by Dr Adam Brett and Jo Brassington from Pride & Progress is designed to support both primary and secondary colleagues at all stages of their career, to develop their classrooms and schools to become more LGBT+ inclusive.
Programme Content
Each session takes place at the end of the school day, and will feature a range of expert input, tasks, discussion, and opportunities for Q&A. The virtual training will cover a broad range of content, including the 10 core themes from the award-winning book ‘Pride and Progress: Making Schools LGBT+ Inclusive Spaces’.
Session 1 – Making the Case for LGBT+ Inclusive Schools
The current challenges facing LGBT+ inclusion
Legal rights and responsibilities
Developing a common language
Session 2 – Designing LGBT+ Inclusive Classrooms
Curriculum, visibility and representation
Session 3 – Creating LGBT+ Safe School Spaces
Challenging discriminatory behaviour
Community and connection
Session 4 – Leading LGBT+ Inclusive Schools
Allyship and advocacy
Programme Outcomes
- Attendees will leave the course with the confidence, knowledge, skills, and approaches to meaningfully develop LGBT+ inclusion within their schools and classrooms.
- The course is suitable for colleagues at all stages of their career, from trainee and ECT, up to senior leadership.
Programme Resources
- All delegates will get a copy of the Pride and Progress Book
- All delegates can listen to the Pride and Progress podcast
- All delegates can access the Diverse Educators’ DEIB toolkits
This course will benefit you in your personal growth as well as your development as an educator. I admittedly was hesitant because of the length of time I’d be sitting on a virtual call, but when participating, time flew because there was a lot to learn, it was clearly structured, and both Adam and Jo were engaging and personable. I left the call feeling energised and charged with wanting to develop training for my ITTE course as soon as possible! You can bring your full self and your questions, and you’ll be welcomed on this course regardless of your starting point.
The Pride and Progress training was the perfect balance of academic theory, up to date information with plenty of time for reflection and discussion. Ideal for any educators looking to deepen their understanding and develop safe and inclusive spaces.
A full and engaging day! You created a space for me to share via chat or aloud in both whole and small groups. I felt comfortable asking questions and you shared knowledgeable responses at all points from my point of view! The section on language was simple and effective. The questions you posed in each section were open and simple enough that someone with any level of experience could access.
Rabbi Sacks Legacy Trust

Rabbi Sacks Legacy Trust
The Rabbi Sacks Legacy Trust promotes the teachings and mission of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks. The trust’s objectives are to advance a Judaism that is connected to its heritage while also being engaged with the world. The trust’s mission is to convey Rabbi Sacks’s belief that a person can be fully committed to their faith and also fully engaged in the world.
The Rabbi Sacks Legacy Trust was established in July 2013. Rabbi Sacks was the Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth and the United Kingdom. He was also the Principal of Jews’ College, which is now the London School for Jewish Studies.
Rabbi Sacks wrote over 40 books that are read world wide by audiences of all faiths and backgrounds, his writings and teachings encourage us as individuals to strive to make a better world.

Mendable was created by Lewis Wedlock to help schools and organisations work confidently and competently with masculinities. In a world where masculinities are rightfully being placed under the cultural microscope, this process of reflection must be done sensitively and compassionately.
Through the triangulation of self-awareness, self-love and structural understanding, The Mendable Model helps you serve your masculinities with an approach that is both life-long and life-wide. It holds compassion as the key ingredient of adaptation, and humanizes the messy, clunky and mistaken laden process of self-awareness, accountability and allyship.
Mendable offers training to staff/professionals as well as direct delivery to young men you work with. For more information, please visit Lewis’s website.
Mendable creator Lewis Wedlock’s debut book “Masculinities in Schools” is being published by Sage in 2025.