Our Challenging Derogatory and Non-Inclusive Language Training

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Our Challenging Derogatory and Non-Inclusive Language Training

Our Challenging Derogatory and Non-Inclusive Language Training

Our Training Offer

We support leaders, teachers, student support professionals and students, in developing their consciousness, confidence and competence in how to reduce the use of derogatory and non-inclusive language.

We will create a safe space for you and your students, in separate sessions, to explore and unpack why derogatory and non-inclusive language is used, and how to minimise its use through clear and effective strategies.

We can deliver face to face and virtually, for twilights, INSETs and conferences.

Our training session includes:

  • Examining the status and power of language
  • Discussing exactly what derogatory and non-inclusive language is
  • Reflecting on why it is harmful
  • Sharing strategies to deal with its use when it is received or when it is used
  • How to cascade best practice across the school community

Diverse Educators helped give us the confidence to evaluate our approach to dealing with derogatory language with the aim of making our school culture more inclusive.

Rowan Wright, Assistant Headteacher

For many teachers whose initial training is a long distant memory, workshops like this are vital in keeping us up to date with current guidance as well as giving us confidence to communicate with ease. Hannah was superb in her delivery throughout – highly engaging.

Karen Lewis, Head of Performing Arts Faculty, Bede’s School

Hannah was exceptional in both her knowledge and expertise but also in the way she presented to the whole staff team. She balanced appropriate challenge with information and was comfortable managing what can be a difficult topic. The training has meant an increased openness, honesty and confidence to discuss and challenge throughout our staff team.

Rachel Tomlinson, Headteacher, Barrowford Primary School

Our #DiverseEd Podcast – Series 2

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Our #DiverseEd Podcast – Series 2

Our #DiverseEd Podcast – Series 2

Series 2 of the #DiverseEd Podcast has 10 episodes. In each episode, our co-hosts Mahlon Evans-Sinclair and Jess Boyd, will interview 1 contributor from each of the 10 chapters of Diverse Educators: A Manifesto.

Series 2 Episodes

Episode 10 – Abena Akuffo Kelly

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Episode 9 – Beckie West

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Episode 8 – Amy Ferguson

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Episode 7 – Jeremy Davies

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Episode 6 – Anjum Peerbacos

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Episode 5 – Albert Adeyemi

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Episode 4 – Nadine Bernard

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Episode 3 – Bex Bothwell-O'Hearn

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Episode 2 – Matthew Savage

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Episode 1 – Hugh Ogilvie

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Series 2 Co-Hosts

Jessica Boyd portrait

Jess Boyd

Mahlon Evans-Sinclair portrait

Mahlon Evans-Sinclair

Series 2 Guests


Hugh Ogilvie portrait

Hugh Ogilvie


Beckie West portrait

Beckie West

Gender Reassignment

Matthew Savage portrait

Matthew Savage

Marriage & Civil Partnership

Bex Bothwell-O'Hearn portrait

Bex Bothwell-O'Hearn

Pregnancy & Maternity

Nadine Bernard portrait

Nadine Bernard


Albert Adeyemi portrait

Albert Adeyemi

Religion & Belief

Anjum Peerbacos portrait

Anjum Peerbacos


Jeremy Davies portrait

Jeremy Davies

Sexual Orientation

Amy Ferguson portrait

Amy Ferguson


Abena Akuffo Kelly

Abena Akuffo-Kelly

Our #DiverseEd Podcast – Series 1

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Our #DiverseEd Podcast – Series 1

Our #DiverseEd Podcast – Series 1

Series 1 of the #DiverseEd Podcast has 10 episodes. In each episode, our co-hosts Nick Kitchener-Bentley and Yamina Bibi, have interviewed 1 contributor from each of the 10 chapters of Diverse Educators: A Manifesto.

Series 1 Episodes

Episode 10 – Dr Shrehan Lynch

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Episode 9 – Dylan Ahmed

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Episode 8 – Julie Cassiano

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Episode 7 – Shaun Dellenty

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Episode 6 – Nicky Bright

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Episode 5 – Diana Osagie

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Episode 4 – Audrey Pantelis

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Episode 3 – Orla McKeating

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Episode 2 – Kiran Satti

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Episode 1 – Cleo de Jong

Listen or Read

Series 1 Co-Hosts

Nick Bentley portrait

Nick Kitchener-Bentley

Yamina Bibi portrait

Yamina Bibi

Series 1 Guests


Nicky Bright portrait

Nicky Bright


Julie Cassiano portrait

Julie Cassiano

Gender Reassignment

Dylan Ahmed portrait

Dylan Ahmed

Marriage & Civil Partnership

Kiran Satti portrait

Kiran Satti

Pregnancy & Maternity

Cleo de Jong portrait

Cleo de Jong


Laura Mcbean and Shrehan Lynch portrait

Shrehan Lynch

Religion & Belief

Orla McKeating portrait

Orla McKeating


Diana Osagie portrait

Diana Osagie

Sexual Orientation

Shaun Dellenty portrait

Shaun Dellenty


Audrey Pantelis portrait

Audrey Pantelis

ITTE Providers' DEIB Toolkit

ITTE Providers Toolkit Icon

ITTE Providers' DEIB Toolkit

ITTE Providers' DEIB Toolkit

Toolkit collated by Dr Adam Brett

Does the Teaching Profession Have a Diversity Problem?

Research over many years has consistently shown that teachers and leaders from black and global majority (AKA BAME) backgrounds are underrepresented in the teaching profession. While this data has improved in recent years, the issue remains. It is important for ITTE providers to recognise the barriers that exist for black and global majority aspirant teachers applying to the profession. We must also examine why these applicants experience lower success rates than their white peers. UCL (2020) also report that 46% of schools in England have no black and global majority teachers.

Examining the teaching profession through the lens of other protected characteristics reveals the challenges that many other teachers face from minority or marginalised backgrounds. TES (2021) highlights the physical and mental challenges that disabled teachers face in the profession; Brett (2022) explores that anxiety that is often experienced by LGBT+ teachers; and EDT (2022) highlight the lack of representation of women in leadership, despite representing nearly three quarters of the teaching workforce.

Why Is it So Important to Ensure DEI Sits at the Heart of Your Teacher Training Programme?

The evidence suggests that teachers who belong to marginalised groups are underrepresented in schools and are likely to experience more challenging working environments. ITTE providers therefore need to think about the additional support that aspirant teachers may need before, during and after their initial teacher training year. Recognising that a model of equity rather than equality is needed, and that teachers from minority backgrounds may experience additional stress or challenges, is an important starting point for ITTE providers. DEI needs to lie at the heart of ITTE so all teachers can see a place for themselves in the profession, and as importantly, so they can create diverse, safe, and inclusive classrooms for their students.

The Diverse Educators’ ITTE Providers’ DEI Toolkit

You will find below a bank of resources to help you and your team as you examine your current provision and think about the ways DEI can be prioritised to ensure all trainees feel supported and included. Some questions to think about may include:

  • Is there a person who is responsible for DEI within your ITTE organisation? Do they have time and remuneration for the position?
  • Do you have a DEI objective on your improvement plan?
  • Do you know which of your trainees have a protected characteristic or belong to a minority group?
  • How do you communicate your commitment to DEI to prospective applicants?
  • Are there safe spaces for teachers from minority groups to attend?
  • Are your policies and documentation inclusive?
  • Do school mentors receive DEI training or support
  • Are you sending trainees into schools where they will be safe and supported?
  • Does your curriculum include and celebrate a broad range of diverse voices?


Educational Development Trust – Women in Education Leadership


NFER - Ethnic diversity in the teaching workforce: evidence review


Taylor and Francis Online – Under the Spotlight: Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities of Being a Visible LGBT+ Teacher


TES – Disabled teachers ‘Sidelined’ and Told ‘Get on with It’


TES Magazine – Why Teaching Still Has a Diversity Problem


UCL – 46% of All Schools in England Have no BAME Teachers



Diverse Educators – It Is about Time Initial Teacher Training and Education Embraced Diversity and Inclusion


Diverse Educators – My Experience as a Neurodivergent Student Teacher


NASBTT – #InspiringDiversity: Prioritising DEI in ITTE



Dellenty, Shaun. Celebrating Difference


Gordon, Stacey. Unbias


Kara, Bennie. Diversity in Schools


Sarpong, June. Diversify


Wilkinson, Bethaney. The Diversity Gap


Woods, Arthur and Tharakan, Susanna. Hiring for Diversity


Good Practice



Mid Essex Teacher Training




Welsh Government







LGBT+ Beginner Network









Diverse Educators


Mind the Gap




Pride and Progress


School Should Be


Sec Ed



Anti-Racism Framework for ITTE


Education Support


Nottingham University


RE: Online


Katie Bayley

Katie Bayley

Katie Bayley

Katie Bayley is the Lead Anti-Racism Training Facilitator for Hallam TSA and a Coach for the Leeds Beckett University Anti-Racist School Award. Katie consults on anti-racism policy and practice, in addition to delivering racial literacy and anti-racism training to a wide range of schools, universities and businesses across the UK.

Free Anti-Racism Lesson Resources KS1-4- designed for use as part of the PSHE/RSHE/Citizenship curriculum.

Contact Katie Bayley

Visit Website

You Be You

You Be You logo

You Be You

You Be You – inspiring communities in their limitless choices

You Be You is an award winning social enterprise working towards the vision that no child leaves primary school believing their gender, race or class limits their potential.

We do this through our school programme, pupil/parent workshops, teacher training and home activity kits called ‘Be Me Bundles’. These are activity packs that each child can do in the home environment whilst thinking about the world around them. We’re also passionate about empowering teachers to become “Equity Champions” of their community; over 98% of our teachers have found our training powerful and helpful in their own development.

And finally, we’ve also appeared on BBC London Live talking about the importance of our work. Here’s our latest impact report which highlights the results of our programme and the positive difference we’ve already made across the community.

Recently won top 100 female social entrepreneurs and recognised as a diversity champion in Lambeth.

Contact You Be You

Visit Website

Our Cultivating a Culture of Belonging Training

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Our Cultivating a Culture of Belonging Training

Our Cultivating a Culture of Belonging Training

Our Training Offer

We support all stakeholders in schools and trusts, in developing their consciousness, confidence and competence in considering who feels safe, who feels seen and who feels valued.

We can deliver face to face and virtually, for twilights, INSETs and conferences.

We will create a safe space for you to explore levels of belonging and psychological safety. We will create a brave space for you to explore the perception gap between different stakeholders.

Our training sessions include:
  • Reflecting on what gives us a sense of belonging
  • Exploring our own relationships and journeys with belonging
  • Considering how we gather staff voice on belonging
  • Reviewing the perception gap between stakeholder groups
  • Considering how to create a belonging culture and a belonging curriculum
  • Discussing the policies and practices that need to change to increase levels of belonging

We are always delighted to be able to showcase the outstanding training delivered by Diverse Educators within our ITE curriculum. The facilitator is committed to developing diversity, equity and inclusion within and throughout the education system, which supports our trainees in becoming knowledgeable and confident with their own learning and development. Thank you for a fantastic session.

Katie Williams, SCITT Director

Hannah’s presentation on equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging was incredibly impactful. Delivered at the start of the school year, it refocused our entire staff body on our commitment to our pupils and each other, and sharpened our focus on the part we play in creating a more inclusive community.

Sachin Choithramani, Assistant Headteacher, Bede’s School

Our Developing Anti-racist Approaches Training

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Our Developing Anti-racist Approaches Training

Our Developing Anti-racist Approaches Training

Our Training Offer

We support teachers, leaders and student support professionals in schools and trusts, in developing their consciousness, confidence and competence in creating educational spaces which are anti-racist.

We can deliver face to face and virtually, for twilights, INSETs and conferences.

We will create a safe space for you to explore how to reimagine our educational spaces as more diverse anti-racist and equitable.

Our training sessions include:
  • Sharing the lived educational experience of those racialised as Black and Brown.
  • Becoming conscious of the additional barriers people racialised as such may face in schools.
  • Becoming conscious of the difference between being non-racist and anti-racist.
  • Building confidence in understanding the need for an anti-racist learning environment, curriculum and educators.
  • Building confidence and competence in knowing how to handle racist incidents at school.

It was very interesting, highly engaging and definitely food for thought.

Karen Meenagh, Assistant Head / SENCO

She was an engaging speaker who got to the core of key terminology and the importance of DEI for every single individual. Feedback from across all sections of the schools showed it had been eye-opening and thought-provoking. This formed a crucial part of our ongoing work of building an inclusive community with a strong sense of belonging. She is a passionate and charismatic speaker who we would love to invite back.

Jo Baker, Assistant Principal, Branston Community Academy

Our Growing Trans and Non-Binary Awareness Training

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Our Growing Trans and Non-Binary Awareness Training

Our Growing Trans and Non-Binary Awareness Training

Our Training Offer

We support teachers, leaders and student support professionals in schools and trusts, in developing their consciousness, confidence and competence in furthering LGBT+ inclusion in your educational space with a greater understanding of gender diversity.

We can deliver face to face and virtually, for twilights, INSETs and conferences.

We will create a safe space for you to explore how to reimagine our educational spaces as more diverse, equitable, and inclusive for trans, non-binary, and gender diverse people.

Our training sessions include:
  • Sharing the lived educational experience of LGBT+ gender diverse people.
  • Becoming conscious of the additional barriers gender diverse young people may face in schools.
  • Becoming conscious of the historical and current statutory guidance and legislation in relation to supporting gender diverse people.
  • Building confidence through exploring the developing language around gender identity and expression.
  • Exploring the distinction between sex, gender identity, and gender expression.
  • Building confidence and competence in supporting trans young people as they come out in an educational space.
  • Growing confidence and competence in challenging transphobic language.
  • Developing competence in reimagining our educational spaces, and making them more diverse, equitable, and inclusive of gender diverse people.

We regularly use DiverseEd to upskill and empower out trainees. the sessions are informative, well planned and really useful for our trainees.

Jane Adamson, Programme Leader

Our Making Educational Spaces LGBT+ Inclusive Training

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Our Making Educational Spaces LGBT+ Inclusive Training

Our Making Educational Spaces LGBT+ Inclusive Training

Our Training Offer

We support teachers, leaders and student support professionals in schools and trusts, in developing their consciousness, confidence and competence in creating educational spaces which are inclusive for LGBT+ people.
We can deliver face to face and virtually, for twilights, INSETs and conferences.

We will create a safe space for you to explore how to reimagine our educational spaces as more diverse, equitable, and inclusive of LGBT+ lives.

Our training sessions include:
  • Sharing the lived educational experience of LGBT+ people.
  • Becoming conscious of the additional barriers LGBT+ young people may face in schools.
  • Becoming conscious of the historical and current statutory guidance and legislation in relation to LGBT+ inclusion.
  • Building confidence through a common inclusive language in relation to LGBT+ identities.
  • Building confidence and competence in knowing what to say when a young person comes out.
  • Building confidence and competence in challenging homophobic, biphobic, and transphobic language in school.
  • Developing competence in reimagining our educational spaces, and making them more diverse, equitable, and inclusive of LGBT+ lives.

DEI training with Diverse Educators is edifying, enlightening, and enjoyable and ultimately uplifting, on what can be a tricky topic to understand and articulate.

Jude Owens, PA to Executive TSH Team

Expertly delivered session, highlighting key areas of consideration in the protected characteristics across the whole staff. Thank you!

Pamela Nikiteas, Head of PSHE, Bede’s School