Our Endorsements
Our Endorsements
We are delighted by the endorsements that our early reviewers of our book, Diverse Educators: A Manifesto, have shared with us. Find out what they think below.
This book is a collaborative tour de force. Rarely have I read anything which has made me think as much as this book has. Tapping into the experiences of a wide range of writers whose lives have been, in so many ways, quite different from my own, has been sobering, humbling but ultimately energising. This book deserves to be widely read, robustly discussed and, crucially, its key messages need to be acted upon so that we work to change our world for the better – for everyone.
Dr Jill Berry, Leadership consultant, writer and educational commentator
This truly is a remarkable book. Given the plurality of perspectives, this book is beyond “an essential read”, but, in my view, must be categorised as a “MUST READ” for everyone connected with the education ecosystem. Not only does the reading of the entirety of this book empower the reader to imagine, empathise and understand an array of diverse experiences, but, by doing so, it supports the cognitive enactment of promoting understanding, tackling prejudice and the fostering of good relations between the Protected Characteristics from within. This is because the content of Diverse Educators makes visible those experiences which are often overlooked and made systemically invisible within education and society. When linked with the Equality Act 2010, the power of this book is realised because it demonstrates how, by thinking and working collectively, education is absolutely integral to the building of a fair and socially just society which includes everyone and leaves no one behind.
Claire Birkenshaw, Lecturer in Childhood and Education at the Carnegie School of Education, Leeds Beckett University
This book is a powerful tool containing the richness of lived experiences and the insight to move education practice on. An essential read for anyone involved in education.
Rachel Boyle, Head of Interdisciplinary Studies at Leeds Beckett University
I thought this was an impressive collection of voices, viewpoints and ideas which not only covers each Protected Characteristic individually, but also addresses the importance of intersectionality. An important read for everyone working in education, from trainee teachers and ECTs to experienced headteachers.
Sarah Brownsword, Lecturer in Primary Education, Primary PGCE Course Co-Director
This book makes an important contribution to an important topic. With its diverse range of passionate and expert contributors, each of whom brings a powerful personal narrative and perspective, this book is a must-read for anyone working in or with schools.
Andy Buck, Founder of Leadership Matters
A comprehensive and insightful book that lays out a path to move from ‘intention to action’ in relation to inclusion within our schools. Such a wide range of lived experiences and knowledge make this a must read for anyone who is serious about creating sustainable cultural change and legacy.
James Coleman, Head of Operations and Training, NASBTT
A powerful collection of narratives offering valuable perspectives from across the protected characteristics and beyond. There should be a copy of this in every school.
Serdar Ferit, CEO of Lyfta Education
An upstanding and brave manifesto, diverse in its capture of global consciousness which weaves a golden thread of collective agency and supports by providing the tools for sustained systemic challenge and change. This will be the handbook for proactive DEI leaders who have identified the “burning need” in their establishments and those of us who are impatient to mainstream that change.
Karen Giles, B.Ed. (Hons), NPQH, FCCT, Interim Executive Headteacher
Ambitious in scope and, appropriately, diverse in perspective. I learned something valuable on every page.
Russell Hobby, CEO Teach First
Wow. This book is full of deep analyses of so many diversity issues yet also remains practical and down-to-earth. I have worked in education all my life but this book helped me to look afresh at so many key aspects and I learned a lot. You can choose to read the whole thing but also use it as a reference guide when particular issues come to the forefront. Teachers and educators will find it invaluable. Very impressive.
Steve Munby, Visiting Professor, Centre for Educational Leadership, University College London
This is a powerful resource for educators everywhere. A wide range of concise contributions with ‘key takeaways’ are included with areas for deep reflection and strategies for practical implementation. We are treated to positive inclusive examples and personal stories that illustrate the power of language and action in smashing stereotypes. Highly recommended for school leaders and for teachers who seek to offer a learning environment where marginalised ideas and voices are truly heard.
Dame Alison Peacock, Chief Executive Chartered College of Teaching
This is a powerful collection of voices, views and stories, bringing together a thought-provoking range of genuinely diverse perspectives. These rich experiences, shared generously and openly, are anchored in a firm belief that we are able to change things for the better: a true manifesto.
Hilary Spencer, CEO at Ambition Institute
In a sector that lacks diversity of thought, representation and lived life experiences this book has the potential to make a great contribution. Its content is as diverse as its subject – giving the reader a huge range of perspectives and food for thought. What they all have in common though is a very practical, constructive approach giving actionable advice that has the potential to make a real difference.
Samantha Twiselton, Director of Sheffield Institute of Education
A genuinely extraordinary book. This is a careful exploration of all of the important complexity of diversity in schools. Hannah and Bennie have assembled a diverse array of knowledgeable and experienced writers who carefully pick apart each characteristic and educate us with warmth, wisdom and passion. In each chapter we’re asked to reflect, we connect with stories that are sometimes inspiring, sometimes heartrending, and we’re given plenty of evidence to contemplate. I can’t wait to recommend it to colleagues and friends.
David Weston, Chief Executive of the Teacher Development Trust