Our DEIB Directory
Our DEIB Directory
We are delighted to be able to showcase and amplify the work of organisations and individuals who are committed to developing diversity, equity and inclusion within and throughout the education system.
If you are looking for an organisation or training provider to work with your pupils/students, teaching/support staff, leadership team, governors or parents/carers then this is an A-Z overview of everyone listed on our website.
Please bear in mind that we cannot take responsibility for the services that they offer, but we can recommend them as organisations and individuals in our extensive network. Please always ask for testimonials and case studies to show impact to validate who you choose to work with.
If you are an organisation who would like to be listed in Our DEI Directory, then please get in touch.
Meet our organisations who have recorded a welcome message for our video gallery.
We have made this page into a downloadable resource to make it more user-friendly. Please do feel free to share it with colleagues in your organisation. The PDF file will be updated on an annual basis to include new additions.
A – B
- The Academy of Women's Leadership
- Action for Trustee Racial Diversity
- ADHDworking Ltd
- Africa Learning International
- The African Caribbean Education Network
- Afrikindness
- AGBIS – Governance Partner
- Alice Hoyle (RepreSENt)
- Alliance for Learning – Partner 2020-21
- Alternative Curriculum
- Aluna Behaviour Consultancy
- Amazing People Schools
- Amnesty International UK (Human Rights Education team)
- The Anne Frank Trust
- Anti-Bullying Alliance
- ARISE: Anti-Racism in Schools and Education
- Aspiring Heads
- The Association for Citizenship Teaching
- Association for Science Education
- BAMEed
- Be Her Lead
- BE Truth to Power
- Behind Your Mask
- BelEve
- Better Bilingual
- Beyond Equality
- The Big Think
- Black British Studies
- The Black Curriculum
- Black Men Teach
- The Black Nursery Manager
- Black Teachers Connect
- Black Teachers Network
- Blueprint for all
- Bold Voices
C – D
- Cargo Movement
- Centre for LGBTQ Inclusion
- Centre for Race, Education and Decoloniality (CRED)
- Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education (CSIE)
- Chiltern Teaching School
- Citizens UK
- Class 13
- Cohesion Collective
- Community Interest Luton
- ConnectFutures CIC
- Conscious Being
- Cultural Nexus Ltd
- DEI & You Consultancy
- Dellenty Consultancy
- Differing Minds
- D.I.I.verse
- DisabilityEdUK
- Diverse Educators
- Diverse History UK
- Diverse Jobs Matter
- Diversity Role Models
- Dove Self-Esteem Project
- Dual Frequency
E – F
- Educate Against Islamophobia
- Educating for Equality
- Education Support
- EduKit
- Dr Emily Meadows
- Empathy Week
- EmpathyLab
- End Sexism in Schools
- Engaging for Success
- Enya Doyle Consulting (EDC)
- EqualiTeach
- The Equality Academy
- Equality and Diversity UK Ltd
- EQuality Training
- Equitable Coaching
- Everyday Racism
- Exeter Consortium Schools' Alliance
- Facing History and Ourselves CIO
- The Female Lead
- The Feminist Shop
- Fertility Issues in Teaching
- Fig Tree International
- 5 Senses of Inclusion
- Flexible Teacher Talent
- Focused Minds Education Group
- For Working Parents
G – H
- GAEd Training and Consultancy
- GEC (Global Equality Collective) – Partner 2020-21
- Gender Action
- Gendered Intelligence
- Get Real Sessions
- The Girls Network
- Girls on Board
- Global Citizenship Education Scotland
- Good Gift Coaching and Education Services Ltd
- Governors for Schools – Governance Partner
- GovernorHub – Governance Partner
- Greg Jenkins Consulting
- Harvey Heals Wellbeing Consultancy
- HeadsUp
- Hidayah LGBT
- HOPE not hate
- Human Values Foundation
I – J
- iEducate Global
- If Not Me
- Inclusion Labs
- Inclusive Solutions
- Inside Inclusion
- Inspiring Governance – Governance Partner
- Institute for Educational and Social Equity
- Institute of School Business Leadership
- Integrate UK
- JCoB Education
- Journey to Justice
- Joy Uplifts
- Judaism, Holocaust and Antisemitism Enrichment
- Just Like Us
K – L
M – N
- Makana Leadership
- Male Childcare & Teaching Jobs
- Men Teach Primary
- Mendable
- Menopause in Schools
- Menopause Training Company
- Mermaids
- Meticulous Mentoring
- Middle East Educators (London)
- Migrant Leaders
- Mindful Equity UK
- Miss Menopause
- MixEd
- Mosaic LGBT+ Young Persons' Trust
- The MTPT Project
- Music Mark
- National Black Governors Network
- National Governance Association – Governance Partner
- Neuroteachers
- New Schools Network – Governance Partner
- No Outsiders
- Now Teach
O – R
- Odd Arts
- The Ogden Trust
- One Bristol Curriculum
- Open Doors Education and Training
- Open Drama UK
- Phoenix Education
- Pop 'n' Olly
- Powerful Histories
- Pride & Progress
- Progressive Education
- Progressive Masculinity
- Promote Equality
- The Proud Trust
- Proud 2 b Parents
- Queer Education Consultancy
- Quest
- Rabbi Sacks Legacy Trust
- The Rainbow Flag Award
- RARA Education Project CIC
- Rebel Led Training and Consultancy
- Representation Matters
- Roots with Boots
S – T
- Satchel Pulse
- Schools' Inclusion Alliance
- Schools of Sanctuary
- School of Sexuality Education
- Schools Out UK
- Sexpression UK
- The Shewell IntersectionaliTREE
- Skills Builder Partnership
- Social Change Academy
- Socially Just Physical Education & Youth Sport
- Solutions Not Sides
- Square Pegs
- Step Up Network CIC
- The Steve Sinnott Foundation
- Still I Rise
- Stonewall
- Strawberry Words Training Consultancy
- SyncD
- Teacheroo – Partner 2020-21
- Teacher's SPL
- Teach First Multi-Faith Network
- Think2Speak
- Think Equal
- Timbrell Education
- Thought Project
- Tranquiliti
- Trans and Non-Binary Education Network
- Trans Catholic Teacher
- The Traveller Movement
- Trident Training and Consulting
- Troy Jenkinson Education
- TWICE (Teaching with Inclusion and Culture Embedded)