No Outsiders
No Outsiders enables children to recognise and embrace the diversity around them in preparation for global citizenship. The ethos teaches that ‘there are no outsiders here because everyone is welcome’. The resource uses the Equality Act 2010 as a foundation to ensure no protected
characteristic is left out.
42 picture books are used in the scheme with lesson plans from EYFS- Y6 to ensure consistency and progression. Assemblies are used to reinforce the ethos and plans are uploaded weekly to the no-outsiders website.
Andrew Moffat currently works as Personal Development Lead at Excelsior MAT, Birmingham.
Published resources:
No Outsiders in our school: Teaching the Equality Act in primary schools (Speechmark, 2015)
Reclaiming Radical Ideas in Schools: Preparing young children for life in modern Britain (Speechmark, 2017)
No Outsiders: Everyone different, Everyone welcome (Speechmark, 2020)
MBE, 2017 (Education for Equality and Diversity)
Top 10 finalist in Varkey Foundation Global Teacher Prize, 2019
Pink News ‘Role Model of the year’, 2019
Attitude Pride Awards, 2019
European Diversity Awards ‘Hero of the year’, 2019
Honorary Doctorate, University of Worcester, 2019
Midlands Zone Readers’ Award ‘LGBTQ Hero of the year’, 2020
Midlands Zone Award ‘Outstanding Contribution to The LGBTQ Community’ 2020
University of Sunderland Visiting Professor, 2020
Pride Power List 2020
Andrew Moffat is a qualified Senco and has a MA in Emotional and behavioural Difficulties (University of Birmingham). He is currently studying part time for a PhD in Citizenship teaching (University of Birmingham).