A key priority of the union is to make sure all members have a voice in the union, the workplace and broader society; and do not face barriers to promotion, representation or participation.
NEU members work hard to make education workplaces accessible and inclusive and for a vision of education for the UK with equity and social justice at its heart. The NEU campaigns against inequality and prejudice through resources on all aspects of inequality; through research; and through practical guidance to challenge the assumptions, ideas and stereotypes that lead to patterns of discrimination.
Sex and gender equality
Gender equality is not only a human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable workplace.
Race equality
Racism is a structural barrier perpetuated by individuals that lead to discrimination against a person because of their race.
LGBT+ equality
LGBT+ education professionals, pupils and families are vital members of all nursery, school and college communities and of our union.
Disability equality
The NEU works with disabled education professionals and pupils to abolish ablism, disablism and discrimination.