Menopause in Schools
Helping schools and teachers navigate perimenopause and menopause so that they can get back to the learners they care about.
Schools are unique environments with high demands on our organisational skills, memories, and emotional and stress management. Teachers have to be in a certain place, at specific times with a set group of people. Flexibility is a challenge.
This causes particular problems when dealing with menopause and perimenopause symptoms such as brain fog, memory loss, mood swings, menstrual flooding, bowel and bladder problems.
Teachers can lose confidence, classroom management and performance can be affected and their overall wellbeing suffers. There can be unexplained and avoidable sick absence, and many teachers leave their jobs.
These problems can be solved, but they have to be recognised and addressed.
I offer menopause education specifically for schools – I talk about menopause and perimenopause, how they have an impact in a school context and how we can help ourselves and support each other.
I help you write those all important menopause policies, so that they are a true reflection of the needs of your staff and of what your school is able to offer – and I can do that in consultation with your staff.
I offer a range of workshops, support groups and courses so that teachers can understand what’s going on in their bodies, work through the options available to them, find the strategies that work for them, solve problems in the classroom and get back to being confident, talented, thriving educators.