IKWRO is a registered charity (Registered Charity No: 1151507 and the Company registration number is: 8140751), set up to help women and girls from the UK’s Middle Eastern communities (Iranian, Kurdish, Arab, Afghan and Turkish) who are facing “honour” based violence, forced and child marriage, female genital mutilation (FGM) or domestic violence. Our staff, volunteers and management committee include women survivors of gender based violence. We aim to preserve Middle Eastern women’s rights and equality, to combat discrimination and violence against women, and to empower women to access their rights and entitlements in the UK. Currently we have four main areas of work: Advice/advocacy/outreach/counselling, training, campaigning, and our own refuge.
Our True Honour Awards: the True Honour Award was launched first in 2011 in memory of all victims of “honour” killing, and in recognition of those who work to end “honour” based violence around the world.