End Sexism in Schools
End Sexism in Schools is a grassroots organisation campaigning for an education system free of sexism that allows all children to fulfil their potential. We want women and girls to have equivalent representation within the curriculum as men and boys and to have an equal share of school resources.
We carry out research into the content of the school curriculum, we create resources and provide CPD for teachers to help them to diversify their lessons, and we partner with other organisations to tackle wider areas of gendered inequality, such as school uniform.
Our research exploring the gender balance of texts taught in the English curriculum at Key Stage 3 shows that 77% of schools researched teach only one or no whole texts – a novel or a play – written by female authors and 99% of the plays taught are authored by men.
Read our ‘Balancing the Books’ report into gender bias in the English curriculum at Key Stage 3.
In our latest research report, we analyse the content of the GCSE English Literature set text lists and the choices of texts schools make from these lists, with a focus on the representation of female authors and female protagonists. Our research shows that in 2022 only 2% of GCSE pupils studied a whole text written by a female author. Read our ‘Pride and Who? Jane Where? The Missing Women in GCSE English Literature’ report.
To find out more about our current research project focusing on the history curriculum at Key Stage 3, click here.
To view our resources and CPD for teachers to help them to diversify their lessons, click here.