Breaking Barriers: The Transformative Effect of Black Educators in Leadership

Krystian McInnis portrait

Written by Krystian McInnis

Krystian McInnis is a Religious Education consultant, advisor, and researcher specialising in decolonising and diversifying Religious Education. With a career that spans the public, private, and charity sectors, he brings extensive national and international experience in curriculum diversification and decolonisation. As the Co-Founder of Reimagining Education, Krystian is dedicated to creating a more inclusive and equitable educational system where everyone feels seen, heard, and that they belong.

One percent. This is the stark figure of Black Headteachers in England with a slight  increase to 1.3% for Deputy Headteachers, compared to 92.5% and 90.8% respectively  for White British equivalent (DfE, 2023). With many of the positions held by Black senior  leaders highly concentrated within inner London, the figures decline as we venture  further afield from the capital, with the northeast of England the worst affected, where whilst children of Black-African origin make up 1.3 per cent of the student population,  just 0.1 per cent of the region’s teachers identify in the same way (Gorard et al. 2023). 

The data is there for all to see, and whilst the conversation about change has been  ongoing for many years, with copious localised initiatives to address the issue, the  results appear the same, with little momentum or genuine centralised government  appetite for structural or transformative change. Whilst the implementation of short  

lived ‘successful’ localised responses to this historic problem has led some to herald  this as progress, worthy of celebration, I think it pertinent that we ask ourselves the  following questions: 

  • How much work, dedication and strategic planning did it take for us to reach this  mere one percent? 
  • What are the systemic barriers contributing to the underrepresentation of Black  Headteachers and Deputy Headteachers, and how can they be effectively  addressed? 
  • If achieving racial equity is a sincere aim that we are striving towards, why have  we become comfortable with tokenistic adulations, for results that quite frankly  fall below mediocre?  

Navigating the Leadership Ladder: Obstacles for Black Educators in Advancing 

The underrepresentation of Black educators in senior leadership roles is not due to a  lack of eNort or ambition among teachers. In fact, Black teachers have repeatedly  demonstrated a strong desire to attain leadership positions. Evidence shows that Black  teachers nationally are able to successfully navigate to middle leadership, but the cliN  that appears in front of them when stepping into senior leadership, is one that many fall  oN (NfER, 2020). It seems there is little room for their presence around senior leadership tables, with many only able to sit on the periphery in newly formed roles such as secondee, associate assistant head or under the guise of being part of an ‘extended’  leadership team. The illustrious title of Assistant Headteacher or Assistant Principal, as  the first step in senior leadership, appears for many, out of their reach. The actuality of  one step forward, two steps back is far too apparent. Good enough to take on additional  workload, but not good enough to be part of the substantive team.

Teacher Diversity and Its Impact on Student Experiences 

Underrepresentation of Black teachers has been disproportionately low for decades in  the UK and despite Black people making up 4.6% of the working age population, only  2.5% of teachers identify as Black (Glowach et al. 2023). The issues that arise however,  are plenty. Gorard (2018) found that one of the downsides to a lack of ethnic minority  teachers is the real possibility that this underrepresentation is not only having a  negative effect on educational processes but on student outcomes too.  

Beyond just students outcome however, what is interesting to note, is that ethnic  minority students with similarly ethnic minority teachers are often less likely to be seen  as disruptive (Dee, 2005), be referred for disciplinary reasons, be excluded (Grissom et  al., 2009, Lindsay and Hart, 2017), or suspended from school (Gordon et al. 2023,  Wright, 2015). With suspension rates at an all-time high (Busby, 2024), along with the  fact that Black children are up to six times more likely to be excluded from school than  their White peers (McIntyre et al. 2021), it appears clear that the recruiting of teachers  from racially diverse backgrounds, might in fact help with this current crisis we find  ourselves within. 

Furthermore, even more intriguing, is that students with teachers from similar ethnic  backgrounds to their own are also less likely to be classified as requiring special  education (Stiefel et al., 2022) and in fact, where ethnic minority students have teachers  of a similar ethnic minority to their own, they are more likely to be referred to a gifted  programme (Grissom and Redding, 2016, Grissom et al., 2017, Ofori, 2023, Egalite and  Kisida, 2016). Please note, this is not to suggest that students are being wrongly  diagnosed by professionals, but rather creates a space for questions to be further  explored. Historically however, the misdiagnosis of students from ethnic minority  backgrounds was certainly the case, specifically those of Caribbean ancestry. The seminal work by Bernard Coard, ‘How the West Indian Child is Made Educationally Subnormal in the British School System’, written in 1971, explored the educational  inequalities within the British educational system and found that West Indian students  were disproportionately represented and often wrongly enrolled in ‘educationally subnormal’ schools. 50 years on, it appears this legacy continues. 

Moving Beyond Tokenism: The Role of White Allies in Educational Reform 

Now, allow for there to be no confusion to the argument being made. An increase in  Black teachers and leaders is no silver bullet. It will not solve the abundance of issues  within the educational system nor is there a golden percentage to be achieved. What it  required, however, are meaningful steps in the right direction, the removal of barriers,  and for many more White leaders and allies to go beyond mere rhetoric and delve into  the world of action. 

Whilst reviewing recruitment policies are fundamental, these are often used as a delay  tactic to consciously, or subconsciously, buy time before genuine action is taken. With  continuous delays and excuses, the cultural masquerading in many schools is far too prevalent. One of BHM celebrations, the monotonous assembly being delivered year  after year on MLK Jr or Rosa Parks, where the only information changed is the date, or posters scarcely scattered about the school building pinned up, only to be pulled down on the Friday before the half term break, shoved back into a dark cupboard for another  year. This must change. Note, I am not suggesting that these celebrations should not  take place, but rather, they must be part of wider school initiatives instead of a plaster,  attempting to cover over a gushing wound. 

From Rhetoric to Reality: Creating Pathways from Middle to Senior Leadership 

Delay tactics must be abandoned. Whilst many schools move towards actively considering the diversity of their workforce and have a staffing body that reflects the  community they serve, much more work is required than to add a tokenistic phrase ‘we  encourage applications from diverse candidates’ within job advertisements or the belief  that by removing names from CVs all issues are solved in eliminating biases within  recruitment processes. Schools must step out of their comfort zones on how they have  always done things, a way which is no longer working (and arguably never has), and actively seek and develop talent. The time has come for leaders to go beyond providing  a mere TLR to the only ethnic member of staff in the school to oversee all things  diversity, as they are ‘the best fit’, and ensure it becomes part of the larger conversation  around the leadership table. 

For substantial and sustainable change to take place, leadership teams must  collaborate with teachers and external organisations who in many instances, with the  greatest of respect, are more knowledgeable than they are in areas such as this.  Peaking over the horizon however, help is on the way. Through forward thinking initiatives such as the Leaders Like Us programme and Aspiring Heads programme to  name a few, the current landscape supporting senior leaders from GMH backgrounds is  shifting. 

Therefore, as we move towards a brighter and more equitable future, I leave the  following questions for you to ponder: 

  • In what ways does your organisation address and dismantle barriers that may  hinder the advancement of minority ethnic teachers into leadership roles?
  • What partnerships or collaborations do you have in place to support the  leadership development of teachers from minority ethnic backgrounds?
  • How are you ensuring your organisation is not pushing diverse talent of the  middle leader to senior leadership cliff, but rather building a bridge for them to  cross?


Busby, E. (2024) Exclusions and suspensions hit record high as warning issued to all  schools, Independent, Available at: figures-record-b2581943.html 

Dee, T. F. (2005) A Teacher Like Me: Does Race, Ethnicity, or Gender Matter? The  American Economic Review 95(2): 158–165. 

DfE (2023) School teacher workforce, Available at: https://www.ethnicity-facts workforce/latest/#full-page-history 

Demie, F., Kulwinder, M., Race, R. (2023) Ethnic inequality in the teaching workforce in  schools: Why it matters, BERA 

Egalite, A. J., Kisida, B. (2016) The Many Ways Teacher Diversity May Benefit Students,  Education Next 24(3)  

Glowach, T., Richards, M., Mitchell, R. (2023) More ethnic minority teachers are needed  in UK schools – but teaching can affect their mental health and wellbeing, School of  Education University of Bristol 

Gorard, S. (2018) Education Policy. Bristol: Policy Press 

Gorard, S., Chen, W., Tan, Y., Huat See, B., Gazmuri, C., Tereschchenko, A., Demie, F.,  Siddiqui, N. (2023) The disproportionality of ethnic minority teachers in England: trends,  patterns, and problems, Routledge Open Research, 13(2) 1-28. 

Grissom J., & Redding C. (2016) Discretion and Disproportionality: Explaining The  Underrepresentation of High-Achieving Students of Color In Gifted Programs, AERA.  

Grissom J., Nicholson-Crotty J., Nicholson-Crotty, S. (2009) Race, Region, and  Representative Bureaucracy Public Adm Review; 69: 911–919. 

Grissom J., Rodriguez L., Kern E. (2017) Teacher And Principal Diversity And The  Representation Of Students Of Color In Gifted Programs, The University of Chicago  Press, 117(3). 

Lindsay, C. A., & Hart, C. M. D. (2017) Exposure to same-race teachers and student  disciplinary outcomes for Black students in North Carolina, Educational Evaluation and  Policy Analysis, 39(3), 485–510. 

McIntyre, N., Parveen, N., Thomas, T. (2021) Exclusion rates five times higher for black  Caribbean pupils in parts of England, The Guardian, Available at: caribbean-pupils-england

NfER; Kettlewell, K., Lucas, M., McCrone, T., Liht, J., & Sims, D. (2020) School and trust  governance investigative report: October 2020, London: Department for Education 

Ofori, M. (2023) Lack of diversity in teaching in England means minority ethnic pupils  miss out, The Guardian, Available at: minority-ethnic-pupils-england-miss-out 

Stiefel L., Syeda S., Cimpian J., O;Hagan, K. (2022) The Role of School Context in  Explaining Racial Disproportionality in Special Education, EdWorkingPaper: 22-661. 

White, N. (2024) No Black or Asian teachers in more than half of English primary  schools, report finds, Independent, Available at: primary-schools-b2544072.html 

Wright, A. (2015) Teachers’ perceptions of students’ disruptive behavior: The Effect of  Racial Congruence and Consequences for School Suspension, Association for  Education Finance and Policy Annual Conference.

Inclusive Recruitment: 20 Tips to Consider

Hannah Wilson portrait

Written by Hannah Wilson

Founder of Diverse Educators

‘Diversifying Recruitment’ and ‘Inclusive Recruitment’ are two terms that we often hear being mentioned frequently in education circles, but what is the difference in approach?

Diverse or diversifying suggests the focus is on finding diverse candidates. Inclusive or ‘inclusifying’ (phrase coined by Professor Paul Miller which we have adopted) suggests the focus is instead on including diverse candidates. A subtle and nuanced difference which makes the commitment more authentic and meaningful for all parties.

As fans of Simon Sinek’s ‘Golden Circle’ from his TED Talk: ‘Start With Why’, we would suggest that you start in your thinking and in your discussions as an educational employer, by using the model (Golden Circle = Why > How > What) to map out and align the purpose of recruiting differently. 

Example 1: 

  • Why do we want to diversify our staff body?
  • How diverse is our community and how does this compare to our various stakeholder groups?
  • What impact/ legacy are we striving for by diversifying our staff?

Example 2:  

  • Why do we want to make our recruitment process more inclusive?
  • How inclusive are our existing policies, processes and practices?
  • What is the impact of a more inclusive approach to our recruitment and to our workplace?

The clarity of understanding what we are trying to change and why we are trying to change it, is an important starting point in transforming how we do things. Moreover, becoming more conscious, confident and competent in identifying and removing/ reducing existing barriers facing candidates in the recruitment process is an ongoing training priority.

A shared understanding, a shared language and a shared approach will lead to a greater consistency in experience for all.

Some key language to consider and explore:

  • ‘Unconscious bias’ – have we discussed this in advance of starting a recruitment process and have key stakeholders had training?
  • ‘Glass ceiling’ – are we aware of where this sits above the women in education in the system and in our own organisation?
  • ‘Concrete ceiling’ – are we aware of where this sits about the people of colour in education in the system and in our own organisation?

Moreover, have we discussed, are we values-aligned and do we have a strategic approach when it comes to topics such as flexible working and the pay gap? 

We get asked a lot to support schools, colleges and trusts in their approach to recruitment, but the request is often too late in the process to make a real difference and to make changes meaningful. There are some quick wins you can make in the short term to create a more inclusive recruitment  process and experience, but really this needs to be a medium to long term project and we need to be planning for Summer 2025 and Autumn 2025 activities to get us better prepared for the Spring 2026 recruitment.  

Here are 20 tips to reflect on and discuss with colleagues: 

Tip 1: Review the JD & PS – particularly look at what  is down as being ‘desirable’ v ‘essential’ as some people will not apply if they do not meet all of the criteria. We are creating false barriers e.g. you must have the NASENCO or NPQH award to apply for this job is incorrect – they can be working towards it or start it once appointed.     

Tip 2: Review the Job Advert – screen the wording for bias and especially review any gendered language. Some language choices will suggest only a certain type of candidate should apply e.g. for headship a leader ‘with gravitas’ might lead to more male candidates applying.

Tip 3: Articulate your DEIB Commitment – consider where in the initial documentation would a candidate know that you are on a DEIB journey and truly committed to change as an organisation.  Do you have a DEIB statement that can be lifted and included? A policy and/ or a DEIB action plan that can be hyperlinked? 

Tip 4: Share your Commitment to Flexible Working – research shows us that by mentioning an openness to flexible working you get an increase in applicants. Since the Flexible Working Bill was passed the system has had to consider flexible working as a recruitment tool as well as a retention tool. Make it explicit from the beginning of the process what might be possible so candidates do not waste your time and you do not waste their time either!

Tip 5: Consider where to Advertise – if we keep doing the same we will keep getting the same. Some Jobs Boards are very expensive and draw a certain audience. Diversifying where you are advertising can also lead to you finding more diverse candidates. E.g. for governance you can post adverts in special interest Linkedin groups and networks such as Black Governors Network.

Tip 6: Consider who is Sharing the Advert and where / to who – recruitment needs to  become a team sport and not just the work of HR. If your staff are outward facing and are on socials, ask them to share opportunities with their networks. Push it beyond the immediate network around the organisation to find people beyond that. 

Tip 7: Review the Application Form – you might already be doing all of the above and wondering why it is not working, but have you looked at the fields the candidate has to complete at application level and the information they have to read as often forms are out of date and undermine the DEIB work that is happening e.g. asking a question like What is your gender? With binary answers like M/F. How would someone trans or non-binary complete this question? How might this put off trans allies from applying too?

Tip 8: Review your ‘Shop Window’ – your organisation’s website and your social media accounts also need reviewing and updating so everything is harmonised. If you are saying in the call to action you are interested in hearing from diverse candidates who reflect the diversity of the local community, but your website imagery does not reflect this it creates dissonance. If the person running the social media accounts has not been briefed and is only amplifying white, male thought leaders and people who share exclusionary content online, this will contradict the DEIB commitment you have articulated and this will lead to further self deselection.

Tip 9: Create a ‘Blank’ Selection Process – lots of organisations pride themselves on running ‘blind’ recruitment processes. Consider how ableist this language is and how it might undermine your commitment to DEIB. Is there another way of sharing what you are doing to try to remove bias in the process from blanking out names, race, age, salaries and institutions candidates have worked/ studied at?

Tip 10: Diversify who is Involved in the Long and Short Listing Process – bias creeps in as soon as applicants start arriving. Different people reviewing and handling the applications will have their own biases around spelling, punctuation and grammar, around font choice and formatting, around language choices before you even start digging into the details. Consider who is involved in creating and applying the selection criteria and how you score the application.  

Tip 11: Articulate in the Invitation to Interview what Support is Available – instead of waiting for diversity to wave at you and say ‘hey, I am different and need this from you…’ consider leading with what you can offer as adjustments and support, and share this with all candidates. E.g. On the day you will have access to allocated parking, a lift, a quiet room, a prayer room… we serve Halal food in our school kitchen. People will feel more comfortable confirming what they need to thrive at the interview, but this will also show all candidates that you are fully committed to inclusion.    

Tip 12: Send out Interview Questions out in Advance – many institutions are now sending questions out in advance to support neurodivergent applicants with processing time. But this approach also benefits other candidates including those who are less confident, introverted or who have had some time out of the system. Everyone will perform better! There are concerns that people will cheat and use ChatGTP to craft responses but we will be able to identify a contrived response and interrogate further.   

Tip 13: Create an Accessible and Inclusive Interview Experience – ensure the interview format, tasks and briefing documents are accessible for all candidates, thus removing any barriers. Build in a task or a question to check for values alignment to your organisational commitment to DEIB. Values tasks can be scenario-based but can also be sent out in advance to reflect on and prepare as a pre-task to share at the interview.

Tip 14: Consider all of the Candidate Touchstones – curate the range of people that the candidates will interact with at each point of the process from ringing up to book a visit, coming for a pre-interview tour, to the day itself and communications from the HR lead before, during and after. Where are the opportunities for candidates to see themselves and other diverse identities in the process?

Tip 15: Be Authentic and Honest, Avoid Being Performative – we get regular feedback from candidates that they appreciate transparency from prospective employers. If an organisation can identify and articulate their gaps/ shortcomings this acknowledges that they are aware of their gaps and they want to do better in representing the diversity of their community in the diversity of the staff body. We are also aware that some organisations use stock images of diverse staff and center a couple of children from marginalised identities in all of their marketing materials.    

Tip 16: Close the Training Gaps for HR, SLT, Governors and Administrative Staff –  creating a more inclusive approach to recruitment to diversify the staff, takes a lot of time and energy. This starts with identifying the training needs of all of the stakeholders potentially involved in recruitment. The DEIB training needs to be scheduled, in advance and form part of an ongoing commitment to upskilling all managers and leaders in HR matters to bring the people strategy to life. We know that we need Safer Recruitment training in place, wrap the DEIB and unconscious bias training around it.        

Tip 17: Plan for Induction – finding and securing candidates is the start of the journey of onboarding new staff into your team to ensure they are included. As new staff are oriented into your ways of working, ensure that DEIB is a golden thread. Have a standardised DEIB session for line managers to deliver to all new staff at the start of each term, or get your DEIB lead to deliver it or pre-record it so everyone gets a consistent message. 

Tip 18: Outline Development Opportunities – see the vacancy as an opportunity to showcase  how you develop and nurture your staff. Find an opportunity at interview or in the interview documentation to share the talent management strategy and what CPD is on offer. This will inspire and motivate staff, and affirm that you invest in your staff including offering coaching and mentoring to empower them to have impact in their roles.  

Tip 19: Focus on Retention as much as Recruitment – efforts are often focused on recruitment, but we also need to pay attention to staff retention. We need to regularly scrutinise and share our attrition data, identifying patterns and trends. If we are losing our mothers, how family-friendly is our school? If we are losing our neurodivergent staff, how neuro-inclusive are we? Exit interviews are too late to find out what is going on and what is going wrong, create feedback loops to listen and learn from staff surveys/ staff voice around levels of inclusion and belonging to make regular tweaks to the approach.    

Tip 20: Give and Get Feedback from all of the Candidates – we hear from so many candidates who are not offered feedback following an interview, or who receive feedback that is not specific, constructive nor helpful for their development. Build into the process how feedback will be harvested and cascaded, see this as part of the value-add to all candidates but also as an opportunity to show your commitment to staff development. Also ask for feedback, be open to what worked and did not work to consider changes in future interview activities.  

Our biggest advice is plan ahead and design for inclusion. These tips can all feed into a longer term piece of strategic work around your talent management process and people strategy. A strategic approach to inclusive recruitment and diversifying the workforce means we are focused on being proactive, preemptive and preventive instead of being reactive. 

We have worked with some trusts where the training starts in May, the summer term is spent mapping milestones out with key stakeholders. The HR and recruitment team spend the summer period whilst schools are closed to review and update documentation. Then in the Autumn updates can be shared through meetings and training sessions for all stakeholders involved in recruitment. This means that our processes, policies, practices and people will be ready for the big push on recruitment from the Winter/ early Spring. 

Our call to action is to be brave and to commit to doing things differently. This might include:

  • Becoming more outward-facing as an organisation
  • Creating a campaign about what it is like to work/ why you should consider working at the organisation
  • Articulating your Employer’s Promise in multiple ways on your socials
  • Growing the network around the organisation
  • Holding recruitment days and open events for the organisation
  • Hosting events and training to create a buzz around the organisation
  • Keeping a pipeline of talent warm and informed about opportunities

For more information check out the following support and resources:

If you are an organisation who has already committed to using our #DiverseEd Jobs Board throughout 2025, we will be in touch regarding a free webinar to support you all in your inclusive recruitment efforts.

From Representation to Transformation: The Impact of Diverse Governing Boards in Schools

Krystian McInnis portrait

Written by Krystian McInnis

Krystian McInnis is a Religious Education consultant, advisor, and researcher specialising in decolonising and diversifying Religious Education. With a career that spans the public, private, and charity sectors, he brings extensive national and international experience in curriculum diversification and decolonisation. As the Co-Founder of Reimagining Education, Krystian is dedicated to creating a more inclusive and equitable educational system where everyone feels seen, heard, and that they belong.

School governing boards in the UK are entrusted with the critical task of shaping the  educational experiences of both students and staff. Within their role, they have the power to influence curriculum choices, define and redefine budget allocations and set  the future direction of the school or trust, all whilst ensuring robust safeguarding  policies are in place. Therefore, for these decisions to be equitable, inclusive, and  representative of society, there must be a concerted e=ort to foster diversity within  governing bodies that are then truly representative. 

In a country as richly multi-cultural as the UK, ensuring that school governing boards  reflect the communities they serve is notably more important now than ever before.  Unfortunately however, as the UK’s demographics shifts, the diversity in school  leadership remains stagnant. I believe that it is fundamental that we ensure governing  boards mirror the demographics of their school communities. In doing so, this allows for them to be better equipped in making informed, equitable, and culturally competent  decisions that benefit not only their students and staff, but the local community too.  Sadly however, we see too often, where governing boards fail to reflect the diversity of  their student bodies, they risk the potential for policies and practices to be occasionally overlooked and the inadequate addressing of key issues surrounding cultural sensitivity, religious practices and diverse student engagement and motivation. 

Why Diversity on Governing Boards Matters 

It’s important to note that the significance of diverse governing boards goes beyond fair  representation and rather works towards a system where we can directly challenge  biases and dismantle systemic inequities within education. When boards include  individuals from varied cultural, racial and socioeconomic backgrounds, they bring with  them a wealth of knowledge which not only benefit individual schools but also  strengthens that of the local community too. Fundamentally, leadership diversity can seek to challenges traditional ideas of governance and in doing so encourage schools to  adopt more inclusive and adaptable leadership styles. With diverse leadership teams  often outperforming homogenous ones in terms of innovation, empathy and policy  relevance, the time has come for us to move beyond the idea that leadership is  monolithic and embrace the variety of voices available (George 2022). 

Moreover, with diverse boards also more likely to foster a greater sense of cultural  competency, having board members and trustees from different cultural backgrounds is  beneficial and often results in a better understanding to address the unique needs of  students from diverse backgrounds too. Carter (2021) found that within governing bodies, cultural awareness did not just enrich a board’s discussions, it in fact had tangible impacts on policy priorities, curriculum content, and school culture.

Although research is still in its infancy, emerging findings shows that there is also a link  between diverse governing boards and student success. Begum (2020) asserts that a governing board that mirrors its student body helps to creates an environment where  every child feels they belong, ultimately resulting in an increase to their motivation and  engagement to learning. This level of representation becomes of even more importance  at the governance level, not just for students, but for sta= and the local community too.  With one of the roles of school governance to have a positive impact for both the school  and local community too, strengthening relationships between schools and the wider  community, where parents and community members see themselves reflected on the  governing board, helps to build trust and foster greater engagement with the school.  

Reimagining School Leadership: Moving Beyond Outdated Governance Models 

Diversity within school governing boards also has broader implications for the diversity  of sta= within the school. A diverse governing body helps to set the tone for inclusive  hiring practices, which in turn ensures a more diverse teaching and support sta= workforce. For decades, UK school governance has been based on an antiquated, old fashioned model of leadership, concentrated in the hands of a small group of  individuals, often lacking in diversity. The time has come however, for this to be truly  reimagined. Leadership teams need to be able to address the challenges faced by their modern, multicultural student and sta= populations, not just from a theoretical  standpoint but through having similar lived experiences too. Therefore, reimagining what leadership looks like means moving away from the ‘we have always done it this  way’ approach, to creating space for innovative and culturally competent governance. It  is vital therefore, for diverse governing bodies to support in this work, to take up the  mantle and challenge the traditional hierarchies of leadership that have often  overlooked the contributions of minority groups. By creating space for a broader range  of voices, schools will undoubtedly develop a more flexible and inclusive leadership  structure.  

Building a Diverse Governing Board: Recruitment and Support 

Whilst the recruiting of diverse members to school governing boards is an essential  step, it is by no means enough on its own. Once diverse board members are recruited,  schools must ensure they have in place adequate support and training necessary to be  effective contributors. One of the major issues I have found, is that within many schools  and trusts, once diverse members are recruited, the assumption is that the work is complete. Arguably however, the work has merely only begun. Training and support is  fundamental, as is the revisiting of preexisting induction processes, which are often  insufficient in preparing new governors to tackle the complexities of a multicultural,  multifaceted education system. Schools need to rethink their induction programs to  include tailored training on cultural competency, anti-racism, and inclusive leadership at the very least to genuinely support their staff, students and newly appointed  governors too.

Schools and academy trusts however, do not need to do this work in isolation. Building  collaborative networks is a key benefit of diverse boards, as is creating a more equitable  educational system too. By connecting with a broad range of community organisations  and support systems, schools can access additional resources, partnerships, and  opportunities that enrich students’ educational experiences, ones which may not have  been open to them before. Within this, these connections not only strengthen the  school’s ties to the community but also provide a network of support for families, and  staff members too. 

To increase diversity within school leadership, intentional steps must be taken. Whilst  many schools are in their embryonic phase of capturing diversity metrics, very few know  what to do with it, leaving it merely for senior leaders to interpret, or rather misinterpret.  Therefore, schools must establish processes for tracking diversity metrics, including  ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic background, and disability status, hold leaders  accountable for the data, and allow for it to be an iterative process, understanding what  is useful within their school context. Tracking diversity isn’t about collecting numbers  for the sake of it—it’s about using that data to inform decisions, identify gaps, and  ensure that all voices are being heard.  

The Path to Inclusive Governance 

Diversity on UK school governing boards is not merely a goal to be achieved but a  foundational element of effective, representative, and inclusive governance. When  students, parents, and community members see themselves reflected in leadership,  they are more likely to engage. Ultimately, schools must become a hub where the wider  community feels seen, heard, and that they belong. When actioned with genuine  intention, this approach moves beyond being mere performative gestures, to one which  brings about collaboration, community support, and academic success too. Whilst  achieving diversity is good, sustaining this diversity requires dedication. Undoubtedly parts of the journey will be difficult, the rewards however, will be abundant. 

A truly diverse governing body is not just a benefit for the school, but for society as a  whole, shaping future generations of engaged, informed, and empowered leaders. So as we look to the future of school governance, I pose that we ask ourselves the following  questions:

  1. How can we ensure that our school governing boards are truly representative of  the diverse communities they serve, and not just in terms of numbers, but in the  richness of experience and perspective? 
  2. What steps can schools take to break down the barriers that currently prevent  underrepresented groups from accessing leadership roles in governance?
  3. How can we move beyond the idea that diversity on governing boards is a ‘nice to-have’ and shift towards understanding it as an essential element for fostering  student success and community engagement? 


Begum, H. (2020). The Importance of Representation in School Leadership.

Carter, J. (2021). The Role of Cultural Competency in Educational Leadership.

George, R. (2022). Reforming Leadership: The Shift Towards Inclusive Governance.

Power up your passion: Tomorrow’s Engineers Week and the drive for diversity in engineering careers

Engineering UK logo

Written by Engineering UK

EngineeringUK is a not-for-profit organisation that drives change so more young people choose engineering and technology careers. Our mission is to enable more young people from all backgrounds to be inspired, informed and progress into engineering and technology.

As Tomorrow’s Engineers Week 2024 approaches, we find ourselves at a pivotal moment to ignite excitement and purpose among young people for careers in engineering and technology. From November 11 to 15, EngineeringUK will host this nationwide celebration under the theme Power up your passion, highlighting how personal interests can lead to fulfilling and impactful careers in STEM fields. This initiative is not just about inspiring the next generation; it’s also about breaking down barriers to ensure engineering is accessible and appealing to young people from diverse backgrounds.

Understanding the importance of interest-driven careers

A recent survey conducted at the Big Bang Fair 2024 revealed that 64% of young people are driven by the idea of pursuing careers that align with their interests and passions. This statistic sheds light on a critical point: engagement and motivation in career exploration are heightened when young people can see a clear connection between their personal passions and professional opportunities. More than just a job, a career in engineering can be an avenue for self-expression, creativity, and problem-solving—qualities that resonate strongly with young minds.

However, translating this potential into reality requires us to address significant challenges and misconceptions that still exist, particularly around diversity and inclusion in engineering.

Bridging the diversity gap in engineering

The engineering sector faces a pressing diversity problem. As highlighted by the Science Education Tracker and UCAS Project Next Generation research, only 16% of girls feel that engineering is a suitable career for them, and women still make up a mere 18% of first-year engineering undergraduates. This gender disparity is compounded by the lack of visible female role models and the underrepresentation of people from various ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds. Furthermore, many young people have limited awareness of the post-secondary pathways into engineering, with 57% of 13- to 17-year-olds admitting they know little about options like apprenticeships or technical courses.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are not just buzzwords; they are fundamental to creating a robust and innovative engineering workforce. The sector thrives when a multitude of perspectives comes together to tackle complex challenges. Therefore, promoting engineering careers must actively consider the experiences of underrepresented groups, including girls, ethnic minorities, disabled people, and students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.

The role of Tomorrow’s Engineers Week

Tomorrow’s Engineers Week serves as a powerful platform to address these issues head-on by offering resources and experiences that inspire and inform. Teachers, career leaders, and students will have access to free, flexible materials that can be integrated into lessons and assemblies, making engineering careers relatable and engaging for young people.

One of the standout features this year is the Day in the life film series, which provides an authentic look at the daily work of early-career engineers from various fields. These films are designed to be flexible, fitting easily into lessons or form times, and they emphasise the real-world applications of STEM skills, particularly those that draw on creativity and problem-solving.

In addition, the Match your passion panel will bring young people face-to-face virtually with early-career engineers who can answer questions, offer tailored advice, and share how their own passions led them into engineering. This personalised approach is crucial in showing young people the diversity of pathways available and demystifying a field that is often perceived as inaccessible or irrelevant.

Supporting teachers and career leaders

Teachers and career leaders are essential allies in the effort to diversify engineering. Yet, according to EngineeringUK research, they often lack the support and resources to guide students effectively. With only 43% of young people having participated in a STEM activity beyond standard lessons and 46% of career advisers citing funding and time constraints as barriers, there is a clear need for more robust support systems.

Tomorrow’s Engineers Week aims to address these gaps by offering practical, easy-to-use resources that empower teachers. For example, lesson plans, interactive sessions, and career-focused panels can bring STEM subjects to life, making them more appealing and accessible. As Dr. Hilary Leevers, Chief Executive of EngineeringUK, points out, the week’s activities are designed to connect young people with engineers who have turned their interests into rewarding careers, inspiring students to envision their own futures in the sector.

Engineering a more inclusive future

Ultimately, initiatives like Tomorrow’s Engineers Week are about ensuring that every young person, regardless of gender, race, disability, or socioeconomic status, has the opportunity to explore engineering careers. By focusing on interest-driven engagement, the campaign makes STEM more approachable and aligns with the principles of DEI that are crucial to our education system.

For more information on how to get involved in Tomorrow’s Engineers Week, and to access these invaluable resources, visit Tomorrow’s Engineers Week and join the conversation using #TEWeek24. Let’s make engineering a field where every young person sees a place for themselves—a future powered by passion, built on diversity, and driven by a desire to shape the world.

Together, we can power up the passions of the next generation and pave the way for a more inclusive, innovative engineering landscape.

Equal Pay Day

MTPT logo

Written by The MTPT Project

The UK’s only charity for parent teachers, with a particular focus on the parental leave and return to work period.

This Autumn, we celebrate International Equal Pay Day (18th September) and the UK’s Gender Pay Gap Day (probably around the 22nd November).

“Celebrate” is probably the wrong term for it, with the United Nations telling us that “Across all regions, women are paid less than men, with the gender pay gap estimated at around 20 per cent globally.”

Out of 146 countries, the UK ranked 15th in a 2023 World Economic Forum comparison, up there with the best and trailing just behind Iceland, Namibia, New Zealand and Rwanda, amongst others.

Fifteenth out of 146 sounds great but… it’s not that great.  The UK still has a gender pay gap across all industries of 14.3% meaning that women are paid (on average) 86p for every £1 that men are paid.

In the education sector, it’s even worse, with the gender pay gap standing at 18.1%.  Some multi-academy trusts (we won’t name them) fare terribly, with gender pay gaps of up to 44.6%.  Why not enjoy the government’s brilliant Search and Compare tool that lays the facts bare in a simple click to satiate your curiosity?

While the graphs in ASCL et al.’s updated 2023 report indicate that a slight gender pay gap exists at almost all levels (female classroom teachers actually slightly outearn male classroom teachers), a seismic shift happens between the ages of 30-39, particularly between 35-39 when – you guessed right – teachers are most likely to become mothers.

57% of female teachers aged 30-34 are mothers, jumping to 77% for women aged 35-39.  During this time, the gender pay gap increases by between £846 (“other leadership”) to £2,131 (headteachers) per year.  Classroom teachers – previously outearning their male counterparts by £143 per year – suddenly suffer a wage gap of £1,253.

The explanation: of course, it is the motherhood penalty in action.  Studies largely agree that “women’s inability to combine work with family seems to account for the lion’s share of the pay gap” and in Missing Mothers – a report co-authored by The MTPT Project and The New Britain Project – we explain how this impact is being felt in teaching.  

Motherhood means that we are losing experienced teachers in droves; they are paid less when they remain in the profession, and are underrepresented at leadership level.

Solving the gender pay gap in any industry is complicated.  The same goes for what we like to term more precisely, the “fiscal motherhood penalty in education”.  But the Missing Mothers report lays out one simple recommendation to government: shift the investment currently focused on recruitment, to retention.

Specifically, focus on retaining and improving working conditions for women aged 30-39 by addressing and reducing the motherhood penalty.

Want to do more this autumn to reduce the impact of the motherhood penalty in education?  Book in a 30 minute call with Emma at The MTPT Project between 18th September – 22nd November.  She’ll share more about why the motherhood penalty exists and the right questions to ask, and strategies to implement to make a real difference in your organisation.  The fun gimmick?  She’ll charge you the rate of your organisation’s pay gap for the consultation session.

What Could Sustainable Teacher Recruitment Campaigns Look Like?

Emma Sheppard portrait

Written by Emma Sheppard

Emma founded The MTPT Project, the UK's charity for parent teachers, in 2016 when on maternity leave with her first child. She has 12 years experience as an English teacher, Lead Practitioner and ITT Lead, and now runs The MTPT Project full time.

When I trained to teach in 2010, I was drawn into the profession by the motivation to Make a Difference.  I wanted to be a Changemaker; to have Social Impact; to Do Good.  And I was willing to work all hours and make sacrifices to – essentially – satisfy my guilty white saviour complex.

Maybe that’s a little cutting: after all, a sense of moral purpose and the pursuit of meaningful work are values to live and stand by.

But, two years later, after missing holidays with my family, developing chronic migraines and unable to identify any other hobbies beyond the bassoon that I had once enjoyed (but no longer had time to play), I burnt out and quit UK education for a stint in an international school, and the luxury of an expat lifestyle.

Vivid memories of two recruitment videos remain with me from this time.  In the first, a young man rides to school in the dark, and is the first in the building to switch on the lights.  He excels at his job, cares for his students.  At no point do we see him doing anything other than living and breathing teaching.

In the second, a young man wakes up, arrives at school, and we jump between his previous office job (dull) and his current teaching role (fulfilling).  At dinner time, he talks about how great teaching is and then gets into bed, and the cycle repeats itself.  At no point is there anything in his life other than teaching (and the back of his girlfriend’s head).

There is nothing incorrect about either advert: teaching is a brilliant and life-affirming career.  And – let’s admit it – as teachers, we do love to regale our friends and family members with hilarious school anecdotes at every opportunity.  The kids are the best bit.  Indeed, both adverts are powerful appeals to potential recruits who want to do nothing but teach.

But for how long do we want to – or are we capable of – martyring our whole lives to our profession?

Surely, if we want to see improved teacher retention, we need recruitment campaigns that sell teaching as a career choice that allows for a life beyond the classroom?

This is where a recent video from Reach Teacher Training has got things so right.  Like the videos previously mentioned, this advert follows two teachers from the start to the end of their working day, but the marketing team behind this piece have made some deliberate directorial decisions about the culture that new recruits can expect at Reach.

In the first iteration of the video – a 29 second clip – Reach dedicate 6 seconds to images of one of the teachers hugging her own child and waving goodbye at the door before she drives away.  That is 21% of expensive marketing time given over to stating that teaching is a family-friendly career choice – at least at a Reach Academy.

In the second version of the video, Reach set aside a glorious 23 seconds (of 55 seconds in total, so 42% of the entire clip) to the life-friendly nature of their school.  The first teacher joins her running club to run home with her pals in the sunshine.  Meanwhile, we zoom in to the second teacher closing her laptop and checking her watch as she finishes her day.  Her watch says 15:54 and, presumably, she’s on her way to school pick-up.

In both videos, we see the teachers enjoying animated conversations with their students.  We see them delivering excellent lessons.  We see them Making a Difference.

Indeed, the text that accompanies the social media posts sharing these videos reads: Join our community; Change lives; Train to teach.

But unlike those adverts that drew me into a military lifestyle of teaching that – as a 22-year-old with no real prior experience of the workplace – I could not sustain, these adverts state very clearly that the dream is possible.  Teaching is a life-friendly career, state Reach, and one that you can enjoy for years to come around all the other beautiful moments that life will offer you.

Bravo, Reach Teacher Training, and the team behind your recent recruitment video. 

Why are we still denying part time and flexible working to those in leadership roles?

Maz Foucher portrait

Written by Maz Foucher

Maz is Regional Representative for the MTPT Project in Devon and a former Assistant Headteacher and KS2 lead, based in Devon. Having juggled full time teaching, school leadership and parenting, she has a great understanding of the challenges faced by those with a young family. After moving on from school-based roles, Maz studied for an MA in Education Leadership specifically researching teacher retention, and now works in education publishing.

While researching teacher wellbeing and retention, I have often come across the suggestion that working part time or flexibly aids both the wellbeing and retention of staff. However, I have also found that this is still not an option available to many of those working at a leadership level, so let’s look at the facts.

24% of employees in the UK work part time and these are primarily women (ONS, 2022). This is echoed within the teaching profession, also at 24% (School Workforce Census, 2022). However, while the education profession is predominantly female, fewer women work part time in education (29% – School Workforce Census, 2022) compared to the overall UK labour market (36% – ONS, 2022). Additionally, when compared to different age ranges and genders, it is most likely that those working part time are women between the ages of 30 – 39 (ONS, 2022) This coincides with the age where many women start a family, and this is also the demographic most likely to leave teaching entirely (DfE, 2022). 

If we look more closely at the 24% of teachers working part time, when this is broken down by role we can see that: 

  • 26% of class teachers work part time
  • 11% of deputy heads work part time
  • 6% of headteachers work part time.  

 (School Workforce Census, 2022).

It is clear from these statistics that, of the women in education who are working part time, the vast majority of these are not doing so at a senior leadership level. This could mean that they have decided for themselves that leadership is incompatible with part time working and parenthood. However, these statistics could also indicate that these women are not being encouraged, supported or allowed to work in senior leader roles part time. Indeed, despite ongoing headlines about the benefits of flexible and part time work, there are many schools and trusts who persist with a policy of no flex/part time at leadership level. 

It could be said that it is preferable for leaders to work full time. The need for leaders to be present to deal with staffing, behaviour and safeguarding issues is a very real and relevant argument. From my own experience, I know that when headteachers and senior leaders are not present, it can lead to additional pressures on those within middle leadership roles. In a profession where 78% of school staff are experiencing stress (Teacher Wellbeing Index, 2023), it could be argued that exposing staff to additional pressures that they are not paid/contracted to handle is counterproductive. 

Additionally, employers are within their rights to deny flexi and part-time working requests if they can prove that these will hinder business outcomes. In the case of education, I have heard arguments that part time leadership can impact on the smooth running of the school, its pupil outcomes, Ofsted ratings and pupil numbers, especially if parents consider leadership to be inconsistent and therefore chaotic. 

However, there are also many positives to having leaders work flexibly or part time. And given that women, particularly those in the 30-39 bracket, are most likely to request this sort of contract, the all-too-common policy of no flex/part time options at a leadership level could also be seen to be seriously disadvantaging aspirational women in education, forcing them to choose between their family and their career. Is not uncommon to see female education leaders step back from these roles, leave teaching entirely or indeed find themselves demoted, when family commitments require them to reduce their hours at work. 

The first question this raises is how valued these women feel within the workplace when their experience and expertise is suddenly overlooked once they become a mother and are no longer available for full time hours. I’ve heard this described as ‘Your skills are only valued if you’re there full time.’  I know many who suddenly feel like their level of competence or their commitment to their school is in question, made to feel like a burden on their workplace, that they are workshy or lazy if they can’t work in the same way that they could before motherhood. This additional pressure could be a catalyst for why these women often end up leaving education entirely.  While there are many inspirational female teacher-parents who are forging the way forwards in leadership roles, it is clear from the data that very few mothers are finding that the workload, the pressure, their school’s policies and their own family set-up are allowing them to do this full time.

With all this in mind, if we also consider the persistently huge gender pay in education – the third worst across all sectors at 20.4% (BBC, 2023) – alongside the knowledge that women who are mothers are the demographic who are most likely to ask for part time work, we can begin to see how the policies which do not allow part time and flexi working at a leadership level are in fact indirectly discriminatory towards women. When we know that it is illegal to discriminate against the protected characteristics of sex and maternity/pregnancy (Equality Act, 2010), it begs the question as to how long it will be before cases of this nature end up in court? 

Personally, I have often said that the teaching profession is full of intelligent and creative people who should be open and willing to rethink how we organise the workforce. Retention is always a better and cheaper option in the long run than recruiting and retraining new staff. In a teacher retention crisis, where we desperately need our experienced teachers to remain in the workforce to support and mentor the new teachers we require, we must celebrate and share examples of where flexible or part time working at a leadership level is proving to be a successful strategy for retention. There are many schools and trusts out there who are able to retain aspirational women at all levels of the profession when they become mothers by supporting them to work PT or flexibly. Imagine a world in which a mother returns to the profession with the conviction that they are still a very valued and an integral part of the workforce, even if they can only commit to part time work? Isn’t this better than losing them from the profession entirely? 

Attainment, Wellbeing and Recruitment

Miriam Hussain portrait

Written by Miriam Hussain

Miriam Hussain is a Director and Teacher of English within a Trust in the West Midlands. She has held a range of roles within education such as: Assistant Headteacher and Chair of Governors. She is also a Curriculum Associate and Ambassador for Teach First. Miriam is a Regional Lead for Litdrive, a charity and Subject Association for English teachers. She is also studying a Masters at the University of Oxford. Her twitter is @MiriamHussain_

The recent report from Sutton Trust (linked below) on the 19th of October 2023 stated that the attainment gap between disadvantage pupils and their peers had widened. This was massively concerning not only to me but a number of other school leaders across the country. The gap is now at its highest level since 2011, removing any progress made in the last decade. A gut-wrenching statistic. There are a lot of reasons for this, you only need to log on to Twitter (X) and see the quote tweets and replies to see people responding and citing the following: the government, economic and political inequality, social care and poverty.  When I read the report however the first thing that cropped up into mind was recruitment. Having spent my career in working in schools in severe low socioeconomic deprivation but also disadvantage it made me think about the immense challenges for our young people today. The long list of barriers to social mobility for thousands of students alongside how would the best teachers be attracted to schools in these pressure cooker environments.

The Guardian in 2023 stated that almost a third of teachers who qualified in the last decade have since left the profession. This coupled with the growing attainment gap is a disaster. The article (linked below) went on to state that 13% of teachers in England that qualified in 2019 then resigned within two years resulting in 3000 teachers leaving the profession. They cited being overworked, stressed and not feeling value as the reasons. Ultimately, why work in education if you can get the same amount of money elsewhere or more, for less stress and work. How can we make teaching more attractive so that future talent doesn’t leave or quit. Ultimately, it will be these teachers who close the attainment gap so what do leaders within schools need to do to provide the conditions for teachers to stay;

  1. A wellbeing policy. Kat Howard in her blog (linked below) on Workload Perception states that wellbeing policies should be an explicit obligation to recognise the importance of taking care of staff. It is not a pizza party or copious amounts of high sugar foods on an evening where staff are expected to work late but instead a series of initiatives which support staff and elevate pressures throughout the year such as; giving time back to staff in the form of PPA at home, Golden tickets for staff where they can have a day for themselves via a raffle or specific initiatives through the year eg parents evenings, inviting people into meetings that only need to be there rather than everyone, having an email embargo of when emails can and can’t be sent. These are all important and need to be considered. Alongside, this its also having transparent conversations to support members of staff with flexible working with an ever-changing work force in addition to growing childcare commitments. These different viewpoints of work are critical. What I really enjoyed about Kat’s blog is that first and foremost having a wellbeing policy is ensuring that wellbeing is a reoccurring agenda item rather than a tick box activity. It forces the dialogue and critical conversations to change the face of education. It is providing policy led support for all stakeholders in education. 
  2. Improve retention of staff via CPD. Leaders of schools need to be intentional with the CPD offer within their school or trust. How is the Professional Development meeting staff needs but more importantly developing them? What NPQs are staff being offered alongside leadership pathways within the trust or school? What does the next set of Middle or Senior Leadership look and feel like? Ultimately what is the offer you are giving to have the very best teachers working with your schools and trust to address the attainment gap?
  3. Schools have to offer a safe environment with a clear behaviour policy. If we want high calibre staff to teach in deprived areas leaders need to ensure that their staff are safe, SLT are visible and clear routines are being implemented. It is critical to ensure no learning time is lost as well as providing the right conditions within classrooms to address educational disadvantage. From my own experience an effective behaviour policy is the bedrock of any school. Students within these communities need consistent practices more than anything else. Clear procedures, habits and processes supports staff moral massively. The behaviour policy needs to be established and revisited daily.
  4. A good example of getting it right with a plethora of examples and research is of course Joe Kirby’s blog (linked below); Hornets, Slugs, Bees and Butterflies: not to do lists and the workload relief revolution. Critically it asks and answers how school leaders can support teachers and staff within education. There are many layers within the blog that I could delve into but what stood out to me was the Hornet section – High Effort, Low – impact initiatives within schools. Several Trusts implement these strategies on a daily basis, Pupil Progress meetings, Pointless Paperwork, Seating plans with data. They take a lot of time and within those high-pressure environments very little is done with that information afterwards it’s merely meeting a deadline. In the reality of school life, they are ineffective and unproductive. We then have slugs, copying out learning objectives, flight paths and big ideas with no detail. Instead, school cultures should be focused on the high impact strategies some of them described in the Kirby’s blog as; quizzes, booklets and sharing resources. Just because something has always been done does not mean that is how it always needs to me. With the recruitment crisis we are in we need to be thinking how we make schools flourishing institutions with systems that allow staff to do so. 

I do believe these are within our control as leaders we need to be able to provide the right conditions and systems for our teachers, staff and individuals. Kat ends her blog with stating that in order to ‘improve conditions for all staff if time is taken’. Time being used to listen to what each stakeholder has to say and then making the necessary changes to have a positive and purposeful impact. Conversations should be seen as the framework that drives not only attainment, wellbeing and recruitment forward but all facets of school procedures. As Joe Kirby put it, less time on the Slugs and Hornets and more time on the Butterflies. Let’s stop wasting time in education.


Hornets, Slugs, Bees and Butterflies: not-to-do lists and the workload relief revolution | Joe Kirby ( 

Sutton Trust comment on Key Stage 4 performance data – Sutton Trust 

Workload | Perception – Kat Howard ( 

My Journey as a Part-time Senior Leader

Harroop Sandhu portrait

Written by Harroop Sandhu

Harroop Sandhu is a senior school leader and professional coach, with 17 years of experience driving successful strategies and improving outcomes in various educational areas. Most recently she has led her school to successfully achieve the Send Inclusion Award, as well as spear-heading the organisation's DEI strategy. Her approach is to ensure that DEI work is integrated within the strategic aims of the organisation leveraging existing leadership tools.

Three years ago, the notion of transitioning to part-time work was nowhere on my horizon.

Life took an unexpected turn when one of my children fell ill, prompting a pause on my career to refocus on what matters the most. Amid navigating my child’s health needs, I found myself in survival mode. Emerging from this challenging period, I returned to part-time work after a two-month gap, encountering initial hurdles. However, as I gradually found my rhythm, an unforeseen preference for this new way of working emerged.

Within this experience, I’ve uncovered valuable insights.

Myth #1: Working Part-Time Means Less Effectiveness.

Contrary to common belief, working part-time doesn’t hinder efficiency; it can actually enhance it. The gift of more reflective time has nurtured my creativity and innovation.

Success in this arrangement hinges on disciplined time management; I remind myself I’m paid for three days of work, not squeezing five into three.

Liberating myself from guilt and the need to prove myself has been a pivotal realisation.


  • Effective time allocation is key.
  • Balancing work, family, commitments, and especially self-care all demand careful planning and allocation. Don’t put yourself last or squeeze it in.
  • Silencing self-criticism about perceived weaknesses is part of the journey toward self-compassion.

Myth #2: Part-Time Work Signals Lack of Ambition.

Embracing part-time work has deepened my commitment to personal growth.

While some argue full-time dedication accelerates progress, I’ve found fulfilment in having the mental space for development and time to pursue other interests, aligned with my sense of purpose. I have found that I have more time for coaching and other professional development, which in turn benefits my employer and as well as myself. 

This flexibility has also inspired others, resulting in increased requests for flexible arrangements—an indicator of impactful leadership.


  • Celebrate your achievements and acknowledge your aspirations.
  • When you silence doubts, your strength and dreams amplify.
  • Before constraining yourself, seek input from others to broaden your perspective.

Myth #3: Missing out on Connection and Opportunities.

Initially, the challenge of navigating communication arose from a fear of missing out due to absence. However, I’ve learned that communication quality outweighs quantity.

Utilising strategies like follow-up emails and regular check-ins helps maintain involvement.

Open conversations marked by transparency with superiors foster mutual understanding.

Addressing unique experiences benefits not only you but also those around you.


  • Express your needs openly with your line manager.
  • Ensure your scheduled time with your line manager remains intact and isn’t cancelled.
  • Propose suggestions and solutions, but don’t shoulder the burden alone.

Myth #4: Flexibility Equates to Unreliability.

Unreliability often arises from overcommitment or lack of planning. Overcoming guilt and the desire to overcompensate, by embracing strategic time management and open communication was enlightening. Prioritisation, clear communication, and collaborative solutions with my line manager helped navigate this. As well as, balancing tasks and seeking help as needed cultivating a win-win situation.


  • Consider what you might need to say no to when saying yes to additional tasks.
  • Involve your line manager in this process. It could involve acquiring more resources, creating space, or delegating tasks.
  • Don’t hesitate to seek compensation for work beyond your designated hours.
  • Effective leaders recognise their boundaries. Don’t be afraid to say no.

I believe that Flexible working is a solution for not only working parents, but for people that are looking to explore personal growth or navigate other areas of life outside of their work. This autonomy can lead to greater job satisfaction and happier employees who are likely to be more creative, innovative and productive. 

Teach First and diversity in the teaching workforce

Jenny Griffiths portrait

Written by Jenny Griffiths

Jenny is Teach First’s Research and Knowledge Manager. She is an expert in research related to teacher development and educational inequality, with a particular interest in understanding teacher retention. Prior to working at Teach First, Jenny achieved a BA (Hons) and MPhil from the University of Cambridge, and an MSc from Birkbeck, University of London. She taught History and Sociology and was a Head of Department in London schools for nearly a decade.

The proportion of postgraduate trainees reporting their ethnic group as belonging to an ethnic minority, has increased from 14% in 2015/16 to 22% in 2022/23 (UK Government, 2023). This is similar to the diversity of the working age population (21.8%) (UK Government, 2023). However, research by the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) shows that 60% of schools in England have no teachers from ethnic backgrounds other than white, and pupils – 35.7% of whom are from a minority ethnic background – are less likely to encounter teachers from black, mixed or other ethnic backgrounds (NFER, 2022). In fact, a significant number of the pupils in of schools will have no experience of a Black teacher throughout their time in school (Tereshchenko, Mills & Bradbury, 2020). We believe that this lack of representation, particularly in STEM (science, technology, engineering, maths) subjects, may make it harder for young Black pupils to engage with these subjects and pursue related careers.  

Over the past 20 years Teach First have screened approximately 120,000 applications and assessed over 50,000 candidates for a place on our training programme. We are committed to increasing diversity in the teaching workforce and we’ve learnt a lot about how to root out bias in our application and assessment process, but we are committed to continuing to learn and improve. 

As part of that work, along with Ambition Institute, we supported the NFER to carry out research looking at racial equality in the teacher workforce. This research showed that the most significant ethnic disparities are seen at the early stages of teacher’s careers, starting with ethnic minority people being over-represented among teaching applicants, but having a lower acceptance rate compared to other groups. We are pleased that Teach First are the only ITT provider where an ethnic minority group, those of mixed ethnicity backgrounds, has the highest acceptance rates. We also have less disparity in acceptance rates between ethnic groups than other providers, but we are continuing to work to reduce this gap still further (NFER, 2022). 

Our recruitment strategy is designed to identify potential and reduce the risk of bias in our decisions, first by removing personal details in applications. The most significant change however was the introduction of contextual recruitment at the application stage. This allows us to take greater account of the different backgrounds of applicants in order to attempt to offset the impact of socioeconomic disadvantage. Applicants complete a short survey about the type of school they attended, whether they were eligible for free school meals, socioeconomic background and any significant disruption such as time in care, refugee status, or being a young carer. Whilst applicants must demonstrate clear evidence of our competencies, this screening helps us to understand where grades that are lower than our traditional entry level requirements are not necessarily reflective of potential. This approach has led to a 15% increase in offers to join the training programme overall and Black, Asian and Ethnic minority representation increase from 12% in 2017, to 18% in 2018 (after the introduction of contextual recruitment), and to 22% in 2019 with changes to our selection day processes. 

This improvement notwithstanding, we know there remain particular challenges in attracting Black and other underrepresented groups into teaching, especially in STEM subjects. To address this we are working in partnership with Mission 44 to recruit and train Black STEM teachers to work in schools serving disadvantaged communities in England. Our initial research specifically looked at how to attract more STEM graduates from Black and mixed Black ethnic backgrounds into the teaching profession. Motivation to enter teaching varies individually, but also differs between social groups. A discrete choice experiment enabled us to test elements of our programme where we felt changes might have the biggest impact on recruitment. 

What we found was that Black and mixed Black STEM graduates saw salary as being of high importance. We also found that location mattered: respondents indicated a clear preference for a guaranteed placement in London or within 60 minutes of their home address. Perhaps more interesting in terms of understanding changing work and lifestyle priorities, was the interest in lifestyle benefits, such as restaurant or gym discounts, as being likely to motivate more graduates to apply. Focus groups elaborated on some of these responses, indicating the importance of financial and societal pressures in decision making. In teaching where starting salaries are perceived to be relatively low, the importance of career progression was clear. Another finding central to our understanding and future work, was the concern of Black graduates about the level of diversity and inclusion in the schools where they would be working. There was a wariness of being in a school with an exclusively White teaching workforce, and despite clear desire to be a positive role model, these concerns posed a perceived risk to their wellbeing which needs to be addressed if we want to address ethnic inequalities in the teacher workforce in a sustainable manner. 

You can download our report on this work to read the findings from the research in full and the recommendations proposed. 

Despite some gains, we know that disparity remains and we remain committed to reviewing, re-evaluating and improving our practices to support diversity and inclusion in our education system, for teachers, schools and pupils.