Amazing People Schools
Who we are:
- Amazing People Schools is an online learning platform that bring to life the incredible stories of diverse game changers from history – ordinary people who used their character strengths to help them achieve extraordinary things.
- Character strengths such as empathy, perseverance and gratitude greatly improve the odds that our young people will flourish, regardless of the challenges.
What we do
- Harriet Tubman knew all about resilience. Einstein used wildly creative ideas in his scientific work. Students discover the stories of amazing people from across the world and throughout history - and are supported to explore the character strengths that helped them survive, thrive and achieve.
- The site is developed around an interactive story library featuring video, quizzes, an avatar builder and much more. Amazing People Schools is the brainchild of psychologist Dr Charles Margerison. The unique first-person perspective stories at the core of Amazing People Schools are based on over 20 years of research into not just what these Amazing People did, but how and why they did it.
- Our award-winning, classroom-ready resources include form-time lessons, assemblies, PSHE lessons and wellbeing workouts. Global Black Lives and LGBT+ resources are also available to highlight these lives and discuss character in this context.
- Character strengths also play a vital role in student wellbeing, social emotional learning and positive personal development. And they’ve never been more important. Amazing People Schools supports young people to harness these innate character strengths, believe in themselves, and flourish.
FREE access
- All schools are encouraged to explore the site for free to see if our stories and resources can help deliver a diverse character education and wellbeing programme.
- Winner of the Teach Secondary 2020 award for Wellbeing and Health
- Internationally recognised Company of Character kitemark