Alice Hoyle (RepreSENt)
Wellbeing Education Consultant with experience of being a teacher, head of PSHE department, local authority adviser for Relationships Sex and Health Education (RSHE), youth worker (LGBT+/ Mental wellbeing). Author of 3 published books: a children’s story book on mental health, a resource for teachers with over 200 RSE activities, and a sensory wellbeing toolkit for schools.
My recent LA commissioned projects include addressing gendered harassment and enhancing pupil voice in RSHE across secondary schools. My work is varied but mainly wellbeing focused- mental wellbeing, relationships and sexual health and sensory wellbeing (I have lived expertise of my own sensory needs and of parenting a child with sensory processing needs).
I am committed to promoting equality, especially around gender as it impacts so much of my work (abortion rights, VAWG etc) as well as SEND. While most of my work focuses on educators, I also support parents, especially SEND parents and work directly with young people. I currently deliver RSE to autistic young people for an afternoon a week, and I am developing some work coaching ADHD girls.
I am passionate about empowering young people, particularly neurodivergent girls and young women, to live their lives well. I founded a local campaign for parents – RepreSENt to improve local SEND provision where I live. As a late-diagnosed neurodivergent mother of three daughters (at least two who are ND themselves), my mission reflects the adage ‘the personal is political’; I want to create a better, more equal world for them and their peers.
Shortlisted for Sexual Health Professional of the year in 2014.
Awarded Life membership of the PSHE Association in 2014
Elected Advisory Council member turned founding trustee of Sex Education Forum until 2023.
Pretend Friends – book for children explaining schizophrenia (now self published here)
Great Relationships and Sex Education.
Becoming a Sensory-Aware School: A Toolkit to Develop a Whole School Approach for Sensory Wellbeing (published by Speechmark in Nov 24)