ABBLEd (Association of BAME Business Leaders in Education)
We were formed in May 2020 by Cheryl Campbell, Kemi Arogundade and Leticia Briscoe. We wanted to address the low representation of BAME professionals in School Business Leadership. The network is a space for SBPs of all ethnicities to support and encourage our aims.
As well as the founding members, we have an advisory board of professionals from within the School Business profession who make invaluable contributions to the direction of our work.
ABBLed aims to promote diversity within the profession of school business leadership. Our focus is to develop a network of professionals, of all ethnicities, to support Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic School Business Leaders and encourage new entrants into the profession.
As a network we hope to raise the visibility of BAME SBLs and provide opportunities to develop leadership skills and broaden their network.