Equitable Coaching
We exist to challenge structural and institutional discrimination. We are a group of practitioners and coaches who support organisations to work equitably, coaching leaders to develop and accelerate anti-racist practice. We coach people to resist all forms of discrimination, specialising in resisting racism, challenging heteronormativity, homophobia and transphobia within policy and in leadership. We run monthly white accountability spaces for people racialised as white to develop practices to recognise and resist the impact of whiteness and racism in their own leadership. We lead research and publish work focusing on the impact of whiteness in majoritised white senior leadership teams. We coach families experiencing adoption and fostering. We offer support for interview preparation and job applications in education.
Our work is based on PhD research from Claire Stewart-Hall who is a researcher in whiteness and leadership. Claire runs white accountability spaces as a regular monthly space to be challenged and share a network of other practitioners who desire challenge necessary to develop anti-racist practice. Claire has published work for BERA, Equity in Education and in Diverse Educators Manifesto and is a regular speaker at DEI conferences all over the world. Her Phd is entitled: whiteness and school leadership, a case study of Bristol schools.