Progressive Masculinity
We provide practical, safe and non-judgemental workshops KS2-4 which explore what it means to ‘be a man’ in today’s world and to end the damaging ‘performance’ of masculinity many feel pressured to live. Traditional stereotypes of aggression, dominance, misogyny etc are challenged as we reconstruct a healthier and more open-minded understanding of the potential of our gender. The Pupil Workshop Program is comprised of six one-hour sessions, each focussing on a different aspect of masculinity: communication and emotional literacy, anger-management and emotional control, attitudes towards women, role models and aspirations etc. Impact data has shown improvements in attendance and a reduction in sanctions and exclusions following the program. Pupil feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with comments like “These sessions made me feel like I don’t have to be pretend to be someone else. Someone I don’t actually like being anyway.”