Menopause Training Company
So many companies and organisations worry about saying or doing the wrong thing when it comes to talking about or supporting those going through menopause.
- Almost 8 out of 10 of menopausal women are in work.
- The fastest growing demographic in the workforce are menopausal women.
- It’s estimated that currently, around 13 million women in the UK are either peri-menopausal or menopausal. This is equal to one third of the entire UK female population
We’ve created an online course that helps you:
Get clear on how to have and start conversations about menopause without worrying about saying or doing the wrong thing.
Understand the legal implications for employers and employees and understand the measures you can put in place so you can create your menopause friendly workplace.
Course information
The course consists of 20+ lessons with videos varying between 1.5 minutes to 11 minutes long, documents, downloadable templates, case studies, best practice examples and additional resources. The full course is 2 hours long.
8 modules
1 – Menopause Symptoms and their impact on your colleague and the workplace
2 – Introduction to difficult conversations
3 – Preparing for your difficult conversation
4 – Your difficult conversation
5 – The legal stuff
6 – Resources and templates
7 – Menopause friendly workplace checklist
8 – Signposting